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Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff just made a bold prediction about the future of tech

Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff just made a bold prediction about the future of tech

mark benioff, salesforce, sv100 2015

Justin Sullivan/Getty

Marc Benioff

When you think of artificial intelligence these days, it's easy to think of the chat bots that the tech industry seems obsessed with.

And chat bots as they exist today are $4.

But Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff says that artificial intelligence is way bigger than that, and is really the next big thing after mobile and social changed the tech world over the past five years.

Smart computers that can think, talk, reason, and predict will be able to do more than just search Google for us, or order a pizza. They will eventually do stuff we haven't even imagined yet.

Benioff, talking to analysts during its quarterly conference call, called this the "AI-first world."

Right now, Salesforce is trying to hit a milestone of $10 billion in sales. It promises that its current fiscal year will end with over $8 billion in revenue. He believes artificial intelligence is how Salesforce will keep growing.

"We are introducing this AI wrapper," he explained. "Artificial intelligence is becoming part of Sales Cloud" and it will eventually be part of all of the company's apps.

For now, the company's shining example is the SalesforceIQ Inbox app, a product that came from Salesforce's $390 million acquisition of RelateIQ in 2014. It's an email inbox that takes a salesperson's email, calendar info and the customer data in Salesforce's cloud to help salespeople prioritize their work.

He's not alone with this vision. IBM CEO Ginni Rometty has been preaching this concept for a while. She calls it cognitive computing and she believes that smart computers are going to be part of every decision humans make and $4.

IBM's AI tech is called Watson and it's already being used for everything from personalized health to powering human-like robots.

Google chairman Eric Schmidt predicts that AI and machine learning (i.e. computers that can teach themselves stuff) will be $4 and IPOs in the next five years.

He compares AI to the mobile mobile revolution which gave us Uber, Snapchat, and others.

The prime example of Google's AI engine is Google Now and Google Photos. Photos can recognize your photos so you can search for a picture without tagging it (like searching for photos of your dog by typing puppy, or your kid by typing "daughter").

Now has even been known to recognized when you are searching for a photos of a loved $4

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella also thinks that bots is thing after apps. Cortana is its flagship example you don't count Tay, the Twitter bot that quickly turned racist and was unplugged.) But Microsoft also has a photo captioning service.

IBM, Microsoft and Google (and, we expect, one day Salesforce) are all also making artificial intelligence available as various cloud service that developers can bake into their own apps.

So whether you think bots are a joke or for real, the stars of the tech world all see AI as the next big thing.



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