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  3. This chart shows exactly how insane Airbnb's growth has been over the past 5 years

This chart shows exactly how insane Airbnb's growth has been over the past 5 years

This chart shows exactly how insane Airbnb's growth has been over the past 5 years

homeaway treehouse


Airbnb's meteoric growth has shaken the hotel industry to its core, and regulatory fights have followed it in cities from New York>$4 to Barcelona>$4.

But now a new report by Airbnb>$4 shows just how insane the growth since 2010 has actually been. In the summer of 2010, about 47,000 people stayed with an Airbnb host. Compare that to this summer, which saw almost 17 million people stay at an Airbnb.

That means that Airbnb's summer reach is 353 times what it was five years ago. Dadaviz's León Markovitz>$4 visualized what that change looks like>$4. Here it is:

According to the report, August 8 was the biggest night in Airbnb history, with almost one million guests staying worldwide.

Not too shabby considering that in 2008, Airbnb's founders were turned down by all 7 Silicon Valley investors>$4 they were trying to raise just $150,000 from at a $1.5 million valuation.

Airbnb also shared some facts>$4 about some of its more exotic accommodations. This summer, more than 10,000 people stayed in Airbnb tree houses, over 12,000 stayed in yurts, and almost 13,000 stayed in castles.

airbnb yurt


This is one of Airbnb's yurts.



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