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This woman's open letter to a man who rejected her on Tinder because of her weight is taking the internet by storm

This woman's open letter to a man who rejected her on Tinder because of her weight is taking the internet by storm

When a man Michelle Thomas met through Tinder passed on a second date because he was looking for "someone slimmer," the blogger penned a sharp-tongued letter that's earned her Internet acclaim.

Thomas is a London-based blogger and cafe manager, $4$4. Last month, she went on a date with a man she met through Tinder, the popular location-based dating app. The date, which included drinks, dinner and a walk along the South Bank, went swimmingly. It even ended with a kiss.


But the next day, Thomas received the following message from her date:

"You're cheeky and funny and just the sort of girl I would love to go out with if only my body and mind would let me. But I fear it won't," he wrote. 


He went on to praise Thomas' personality, but then criticized her body. He told her that his "mind gets turned on by someone slimmer," and he would love to marry her, if only she "were a slip of a girl." 

Thomas was on another date when she received the message. Her new date returned from the bathroom to find her in what she described as "a flood of tears."


After a few days, Thomas published a 10 paragraph response on her blog, $4

She wrote that the man's letter was "nothing short of sadistic," and "the forensic detail in which you express your disgust at my body is truly grotesque. The only possible objective for writing it is to wound me."

The fiery letter ends with, "P.P.S. You're not 5'11."


Thomas' letter has taken the internet by storm, and she's being praised by many as a feminist hero.

"You go Girl!!  You are beautiful and for him to be judging your body I sure hope his is perfect!" one woman commented on her post.

English comedian Sarah Millican also showed her support for Thomas in an Instagram comment, writing, "All power to you lady."

In just three days, Thomas tweeted that her post received over 30,000 views. Her story was picked up by $4, $4, $4, the $4, and many others. 

However, not all of the feedback Thomas has received has been positive. One commenter on her blog praised the man for giving Thomas "an honest answer as to why he would be cutting your relationship short."

Another said that Thomas' anger was misguided. "He didn't shame you for being fat, all he said was he wasn't attracted to fat women," he wrote. 

Thomas is determined to continue a conversation about body shaming, and doesn't seem to be paying much attention to the negative feedback.




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