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What Makes Online Shopping So Popular?

What Makes Online Shopping So Popular?
GOSF 2014 was a huge success, and it has now started a new war of thoughts in the retail industry i.e. “online v/s offline shopping”. Although the fact of the matter is that online shopping is getting more and more popular, there are many who still feel that the traditional way of shopping is truly a good experience.

However, with changes in the lifestyle and perceptions, the growing Commerce sphere has truly influenced those who have been shopping the conventional way. Shopping at a mall might be a great way to catch up with friends, but fighting through a super crowded maddening rush during the sale season, is an area of frustration offline shoppers can do without. If you still feel the need to rush out to a market or a mall every time a sale is announced, here are a few reasons why you might be missing out.

What is Offline is Also Online, Just Cheaper

So, you like that new Zara jacket in the store, but you don’t like the price? Not to worry, online retailers are here to save the day. When you buy something online, sale or no sale, it will still cost you less than what you would have to pay offline.

Online is a better place to avail discounts and offers on the online shopping portals. Often we see festive discounts and off-season sales where one can avail discounts from 20% to 70% at any time of the year. One can also get notifications of such deals when you subscribe, which is not possible in the conventional way of shopping.

When you buy online, there is an option to avail and discount coupon from coupon sites. Moreover, there are cashback sites which provide cash back over and above the discounts you get, and thus, result in huge savings.

Everywhere Convenience

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When you compare the online and the offline shopping world, you will realise that online shopping is quite convenient, because you can do it right from your office or your home or even when you are on a holiday. You can also shop at any time, during the day or even at midnight. Online portals are open 24x7. This is especially useful for people who are always busy and do not have the time to run from one shop to another. Unless you shop with an added objective of getting some exercise, there is no reason why online shopping isn’t for you. You can even try on the clothes at your convenience and return what doesn’t fit.

A Paradise For Those Who Hate Crowds

Any offline sale, especially if there is a big brand involved, manages to pull crowds from everywhere around that store. This at times means spending your precious time and energy in long queues, which surely no one enjoys. Even after you have selected what you want to buy, there is still the issue of waiting in a queue during the time of billing.

And it is not just at the mall, where the problem of “crowds” come in. The traffic you have to go through while driving to the store and the parking issues that you will face after you reach the destination are enough to make you want to rethink your shopping preference. And these are problems that you do not have to face while you shop for a sale at home.

More Products and Even More Products

When you shop online, even during a sale, you can check thousands of styles, designs and colors along with the price range very quickly, without the need of a salesperson to help you.

There are many times where you need to buy for the whole family, and, in the case of offline shopping, this means visiting multiple stores with different offerings. This makes for a very daunting task. But, when you shop online, you can select from a variety of products right from electronics, jewellery, kitchenware, beauty products, apparels, toys, shoes, handbags, and many more. And you can buy all of these items from just one online store!

Shop from Multiple Stores Simultaneously

There are many shopping websites online, and you might want to check prices of one product on different sites during the sale. Price comparison websites let you see the price of the same product on different sites. If you have already decided what you want to buy, and from where you want to it buy from, there are several $4 available that tell you if you can save more money while buying that product.

Out of stock? You’ll Get a Piece Anyway

Another dreadful thing about going for an offline sale is that most of the good products are gone before you even know they exist. There are also many instances where you find what you are looking for, but not in your size. If you find that the product of your choice is out of stock online, you can click the option that alerts you when your product comes back, and you will be notified in your email or a store representative will call you and you can buy then buy it. So there is no chance that you will lose the product you fell in love with.

About the author: The article has been written by Ravitej Yadalam, CEO and Founder of $4 which is one of the leading coupons and cashback sites.


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