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A 27-year-old Costco fanatic loves the store so much he got a Kirkland Signature tattoo and had a birthday party in the food court

Shoshy Ciment   

A 27-year-old Costco fanatic loves the store so much he got a Kirkland Signature tattoo and had a birthday party in the food court

Kirkland tattoo

Max Ellinger

Max Ellinger got a Kirkland Signature tattoo in exchange for a cake with the Costco logo.

  • Among the hoard of Costco devotees and fanatics, Max Ellinger ranks supreme.
  • The 27-year-old loves the store so much, that he got a tattoo of Costco's in-house Kirkland Signature brand on his arm.
  • He also had his birthday party in the Costco food court in 2015 and once took a date to the store.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

People love Costco - some more than others.

A Gold Star Executive member of the warehouse store, Max Ellinger is a Costco loyalist through and through, visiting the store nearly three times a week. The 27-year-old told Business Insider he had his birthday party in the Costco food court in 2015 and once even took a date to the store.

Read more: This soon-to-be-married Icelandic couple met in a Facebook group for Costco fans, and their friends call their child the 'Costco Baby'

"I think all of the people who have weird attachments to Costco have a pretty similar story," said the West Coast native who is also a Costco credit cardholder.

It's true that Costco has a committed fan base, but Ellinger's devotion runs deeper than most.


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