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A Guy On Kickstarter Has Raised Over $9,000 To Make Potato Salad Alone In His Home

A Guy On Kickstarter Has Raised Over $9,000 To Make Potato Salad Alone In His Home

potato salad kickstarter


There's a Kickstarter campaign underway to fund one man's potato salad. And even though it sounds like a joke, it's raking in serious cash.

"Basically I'm just making potato salad. I haven't decided what kind yet," says $4 on the Kickstarter page for his $4.

With over 1,000 enthusiastic backers, Brown, a web developer, has already raised over 900 times his original goal of $10. The project, which started on July 3, doesn't end until August. He's already promised his backers four kinds of potato salad so far, including one vegan option.

For a modest $1, backers will get a "thank you" posted on Brown's website, a picture of Brown making the potato salad (seriously), and Brown will say the backer's name out loud while making the potato salad. For $3, Brown will ship "a bite" of potato salad. For more generous donations, he'll let you come hang out in his Columbus, Ohio kitchen while he makes the potato salad ($10), write you a potato salad haiku ($20), or send you a potato salad-themed hat ($25).

Brown is raising money so fast, he's having a hard time keeping up with making new stretch goals for his backers. At the $1,000 mark, he promised a live stream of the potato salad making process, and at $3,000 he said he'd expand the potato salad making party out of his kitchen and rent out a party hall for all his $10-and-up backers.

Before donating, potential backers should heed the only warning Brown has on the Kickstarter page: "It might not be that good. It's my first potato salad."

Kickstarter's response to Brown's potato salad project? "Inspiration takes many forms," said Justin Kazmark, who works for Kickstarter's communications team, in an email to Business Insider.


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