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A story about JFK explains the dangers of smoking weed in the White House

A story about JFK explains the dangers of smoking weed in the White House


AP Photo

President John F. Kennedy in the Oval Office.

Two months prior to hosting a conference on narcotics at the White House, President John F. Kennedy smoked marijuana with his mistress, American socialite Mary Meyer, according to retired history professor and author of $4 Michael O'Brien.

During the experience, Kennedy apparently realized pot might prevent him from adequately handling a national security crisis.

Meyer, a close friend of Jackie Kennedy and x-wife of a top CIA agent>$4, allegedly came over to the White House on the evening of July 16, 1962 after Kennedy joked that he wanted to smoke cannabis. O'Brien wrote that Washington Post executive Jim Truitt claims to have provided Meyer with the pot:

The president smoked three of the six joints Mary brought to him. At first he felt no effects. Then he closed his eyes and refused a fourth joint.

'Suppose the Russians did something now,' he said. Kennedy allegedly told Mary that the pot 'isn't like cocaine,' and informed her that he would get her some cocaine.

That same month, the Soviet Union $4$4 with Cuba's Fidel Castro in order to deter any future invasions by the US after the Bay of Pigs. Nikita Khrushchev began supplying Cuba with Soviet nuclear missiles, other weaponry, and military personnel.


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