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A Porsche Taycan crushed a Tesla Model S in a drag race

Mark Matousek   

A Porsche Taycan crushed a Tesla Model S in a drag race
Business2 min read

Porsche Taycan Turbo S 4

  • A Porsche Taycan sports car beat a Tesla Model S sedan in a drag race filmed by the German television show Auto Mobil.
  • A clip of the episode posted to YouTube shows what appear to be two separate races between the vehicles.
  • The Taycan is in the lead when the show cuts away from the first race, and during the second race, it beats the Model S by a wide margin.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

A Porsche Taycan sports car beat a Tesla Model S sedan in a drag race filmed by the German television show Auto Mobil.

A clip of the episode posted to YouTube shows what appear to be two separate drag races between the vehicles' high-end performance trims, the Porsche Taycan Turbo S and the Tesla Model S P100D. (You can watch the full episode here.) The Taycan is in the lead when the show cuts away from the first race, and during the second race, it beats the Model S by a wide margin.

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CNET's Roadshow points out in a summary of the clip that there are factors specific to the vehicles featured, like the tires they use and the year they were produced, that could explain the disparity.

The Tesla Model S P100D sedan can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 2.4 seconds, while Porsche says the Taycan Turbo S can do the same in 2.6 seconds. The Turbo S has a top speed of 161 mph, while the Model S P100D has a top speed of 163 mph.

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In 2018, Stefan Weckbach, Porsche's head of electric vehicles, said the Taycan would be able to sustain high performance better than the Model S. The Taycan "will offer reproducible performance and a top speed which can be maintained for long periods," he said.

Watch the full video of the race here »

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