The Foundation, in a statement, said it is distributing large quantities of meals to identified partner organisations that have taken on the responsibility to ensure door-to-door delivery to the needy especially in slums.
"In the lockdown period since March 25, Rs 69 lakh meals have been distributed across the country at 3.2 lakh meals per day," according to the Foundation.
In Maharashtra, 81 tonnes of rice, 46 tonnes of pulses, 14 tonnes of cooking oil, 63.5 tonnes of vegetables, 4 tonnes of spices and 6 tonnes of salt have been utilised so far, to prepare these meals.
At the request of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, the Foundation is delivering meals to all the dedicated and hardworking staff of the municipality on emergency duty.
Over 10,000 members of the staff from departments such as solid waste management, maintenance, public health, education, social justice, fire, water and disaster management from 24 Wards around the city are catered to.
The Foundation is working round-the-clock to deliver meals to hospitals and quarantine centres in Mumbai.
"This is a difficult time for our country. ...The workers and volunteers of Annamrita are risking lives to do what is needed. We are grateful for the support we are receiving from our partner organisations as their active engagement has gone a long way to achieve the successful distribution of food," Annamrita Foundation's Radha Krishna Das said.
The Foundation is inviting individuals, philanthropists, corporates and NGOs to come forward and contribute either small or large donations to this cause as there are vast numbers that are yet to receive this dire support.
Its partner organisations that have contributed funds in kind include: Reliance Foundation, Rotary Club of Mumbai Queens Necklace, TajSats, Cipla, Bharat Petroleum, Bajaj, Thermax, Mahanagar Gas Ltd, JSW, TVS, Mafatlal, IIFL Finance, Pidilite, Mahyco Monsanto, Bayer, Pranic Healing, Sahachari Foundation among others.
The distribution partners include Rotary Club of Bombay Queens Necklace, Giants Parivar, NESH52 – No One Ever Sleeps Hungry, Art of Living, YMCA, Arham Yuva Seva Group, IDF and others.
Apart from big organisations, a large number of individuals and corporate employees have come forward to pledge and donate amounts starting from as little as Rs 100 to crore as per their capacity. LUX MKJ