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13 of the hardest questions you may have to answer in a job interview at Tesla

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13 of the hardest questions you may have to answer in a job interview at Tesla
Careers1 min read

What exactly motivates you to work in this certain area?

What exactly motivates you to work in this certain area?

Question source: Glassdoor

Describe how you would change the culture of the company

Describe how you would change the culture of the company

Question source: Glassdoor

What do you know about cars?

What do you know about cars?

Question source: Glassdoor

Tell me about the problems you've worked on and how you solved them

Tell me about the problems you

During Business Insider's Ignition conference, Musk shared with the audience that having job applicants explain how they solved a problem in the past helps him figure out if they really are qualified for the job and lets him know if they're lying.

"If someone was really the person who solved the problem, they'll be able to answer at all levels — they'll be able to go down to the brass tacks," Musk explains. "And if they weren't, they'll get stuck."

"Anyone who struggled hard with a problem never forgets it," Musk said.

What would your former boss and coworkers say about your performance?

What would your former boss and coworkers say about your performance?

Question source: Glassdoor

Talk in detail about everything that you put on your résumé

Talk in detail about everything that you put on your résumé

Glassdoor reviewers agree that you should be prepared for lots of detailed followup questions about anything on your résumé.

"My advice: you never know what you might be asked, so stay on top of your game!" one interviewee writes.

You are standing on the surface of the Earth. You walk one mile south, one mile west, and one mile north. You end up exactly where you started. Where are you?

You are standing on the surface of the Earth. You walk one mile south, one mile west, and one mile north. You end up exactly where you started. Where are you?

According to the biography "Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future," this is one of Musk's favorite interview questions, and he likes to ask candidates this riddle to test their intelligence.

There are multiple correct answers, and one is the North Pole.

You're in a row boat, which is in a large tank filled with water. You have an anchor on board, which you throw overboard. Does the water level in the tank rise or fall?


Question source: Glassdoor

Explain how XYZ works.

Explain how XYZ works.

Wong says that interviewers want to see you have a knowledge of fundamental engineering topics.

"Being a mechanical engineering student, they were not in depth technical questions," writes Sam Youngdale, a former Tesla battery engineering intern, on Quora. "Rather, it was a conversation to check my understanding of certain concepts and problem solving processes."

Wong also notes that interviewers may also ask technical questions outside your domain "to see if you can figure it out."

Tell me about a time when you had to work in a team to solve a problem

Tell me about a time when you had to work in a team to solve a problem

Question source: Glassdoor

How do you cope with repetition?

How do you cope with repetition?

Another question Wong says interviewers want to answer is how you'd handle the stress of the job. "It's tough working here and no one will hold you hand," he writes.

Question source: Glassdoor

We have seen a lot of people like you. What makes you different?

We have seen a lot of people like you. What makes you different?

Question source: Glassdoor

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