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Cindy Crawford's Gorgeous Kids Are Collaborating On A New Instagram Account

Aly Weisman   

Cindy Crawford's Gorgeous Kids Are Collaborating On A New Instagram Account
Entertainment1 min read

kaia gerber presley gerber

Cindy Crawford's photogenic offspring: Kaia, 13, with big brother and fashion photographer, Presley, 15.

Cindy Crawford's teenage son and daughter are following in their supermodel mom's footsteps by collaborating on a new Instagram account in which 15-year-old Presley takes fashion photos of his gorgeous 13-year-old sister, Kaia.

The account, which the siblings have simply titled @kbyp, started five months ago with this initial post:

The account has since garnered over 5,600 followers and is growing by the second thanks to mom's endorsement on her own Instagram account, which has over 186,000 followers.

"Love seeing my my kids work together for @kbyp #proudmama" Crawford captioned the below photo last week.

While Kaia and Presley are busy posting to their personal Instagram accounts (over 32,ooo followers and over 22,000 followers, respectively), the @kbyp account currently only has 11 photos.

It showcases more serene pictures like this:

And brighter photos that capture the 13-year-old's young spirit:

One thing is for sure, Kaia is a dead ringer for her 48-year-old supermodel mom:

Dad Rande Gerber isn't too shabby, either.

Crawford's own Instagram account is also filled with pictures of her photogenic family:

Back in 2012, Kaia was named the face of Versace's first children's collection.

"I'm so thrilled that Kaia was chosen to be part of the first Young Versace campaign," Crawford said at the time. "Being on set with my daughter watching her in front of the camera was a fantastic experience. I am so proud of her."

kaia gerber

Versace campaign

Kaia Gerber for Versace in 2012.


