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Come Along To Ranger School And See How The Army's Toughest Soldiers Get Made

Come Along To Ranger School And See How The Army's Toughest Soldiers Get Made

One of the quickest ways to show how tough you are in th Army is to wear a Ranger tab. In the two months it takes to earn, a soldier's mental and physical endurance is pushed to the absolute limits. He survives on one meal a day and a few hours of sleep per night.

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He arrives at Ft. Benning in the best shape of his life and will lose an average of 20 pounds if he stays the full course.

The Discovery Channel's "$4" shows the 61-day course at Fort Benning and offers the world a glimpse at some of the toughest military training around. The attrition rate at Ranger School is intense and less than one-in-three achieve the coveted tab.

But that exclusivity carries certain privileges. At the sight of a Ranger tab on another soldier's uniform, it's not uncommon for new recruits to say: "He's a Ranger? They kill motherf*ckers!" Or something very similar.


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