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'Big Short' investor Michael Burry deleted his Twitter profile again - days after warning of a massive bubble and epic market crash

Theron Mohamed   

'Big Short' investor Michael Burry deleted his Twitter profile again - days after warning of a massive bubble and epic market crash
  • Michael Burry deleted his Twitter profile again after issuing a slew of dire warnings.
  • The "Big Short" investor had warned of a huge market bubble and predicted a brutal crash.
  • Burry rang the alarm on crypto, meme stocks, inflation, and the Fed in tweets over the past week.

Michael Burry $4 on Monday after sounding the alarm on a colossal bubble in asset prices and predicting the worst crash in history.

The investor of "The Big Short" fame had rejoined Twitter only last week after $4 in early April. During his brief return to the platform, his tweets ranged from investing advice to song lyrics; he also commented on cryptocurrencies, stocks, inflation, and government bailouts.

"Greatest Speculative Bubble of All Time in All Things" was his $4 last week. "All hype/speculation is doing is drawing in retail before the mother of all crashes," $4.

The Scion Asset Management boss cautioned that bitcoin was overpriced and that a dangerous borrowing binge had fueled the crypto boom. He described the Federal Reserve as a "misguided monster" for focusing so much on preventing market declines. And he highlighted news reports of supply shortages and hoarding as evidence of a mounting inflation threat.

Burry offered some tips for investors, too. "Analyze, think independently, be informed, find the data, and you'll know a lot that no one else does," he tweeted.

The fund manager highlighted the opportunity to pinpoint stocks that institutions can't own because of their size, client base, or federal regulations but where there's a path to future ownership.

Burry revealed that he wasn't a fan of the US government stepping in to save banks and insurers during the financial crisis. "I hated the bailouts too!" he tweeted, adding that AIG and Goldman Sachs should have been allowed to collapse.

Notably, the value investor isn't as bearish on "big tech" stocks as might be assumed. He tweeted that recent stock-price gains for Facebook and Alphabet, Google's parent, were "for very good reasons that completely #trump my own personal distaste."

When one of Burry's followers asked whether he'd been approached about making a new movie, presumably on the meme-stock boom this year, he responded, "Believe it or not, yes."

Burry is best known for his starring role in "The Big Short," a book by Michael Lewis that chronicled his billion-dollar bet against the US housing bubble in the mid-2000s. Christian Bale played the fund manager in the movie adaptation.

The Scion chief $4 for the GameStop short squeeze in January by investing in the video-game retailer back in 2019 and underscoring the company's untapped potential in several letters to its bosses.


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