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From drones to bots- What will deliver your future?

From drones to bots- What will deliver your future?
Strategy2 min read
As drones increasingly fly all over the world and are expected to increasingly crowd our skyline in the coming years- the need for regulation of airspace and acceptance that our realities where robots get deeply integrated in our lives is becoming more real.

ALSO READ- Flying a drone in India can end you up in jail. Know the laws!

Drones have been creating a buzz that doesn’t seem to die down. From being considered weapons of mass destruction to surveillance, drones are increasingly turning into new-age commerce delivery devices. The reality is closing in on us without us realizing with major e-tailers thinking of using drone technology to surprise us with smoothing out the trickiest part of e-commerce.

While internet companies like Google and Amazon seem to dominate the public conversation when it comes to using Artificial intelligence technology for their product services; U.S. retailers like Walmart and 7-Eleven are also trying drone technology for their home delivery service.

Not just that, global food delivery startup Foodpanda has also envisioned that your takeaway will never be late because it will be hundreds of feet up in the air in a drone.

A lesser known startup – Matternet has come up with Matternet which is designed for navigation by mobile-app and has self-flying capabilities. Matternet’s technology is designed around a different goal compared to Amazon’s or Google’s. While the e-commerce companies want drones to deliver products, Matternet’s vision for drone delivery involves unmanned drones making deliveries for regular, fixed routes for emergency cases like urgent delivery of medical supplies and medicines. They also plan to sell these drones to companies for $5000 each.

While things get cleared up in the sky, a Chinese e-commerce giant JD announced last week that it is taking things a little more realistically with unmanned drones that look like mini vans.

According to JD, the drones are around a meter in length and are capable of selecting their own routes; drive themselves fitted with smart obstacle avoidance technology. When the drone arrives near the customer, they will be notified via the JD mobile app where they can come out near the device, put in a key to unlock the cargo area and pick up their package.

So whether you envision robots coming to you via air or land, you know your upcoming delivery toy is smarter than your delivery boy.


