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This Unique E-commerce Portal Wants To Support Retailers Online And How

This Unique E-commerce Portal Wants To Support Retailers Online And How
Enterprise2 min read

E-commerce vs. Retail is a war that is eminent world over. In India, Festive season 2014 was the time when most e-commerce players in India unleashed discounts and promotions for consumers, enticing buyers from traditional retail stores.

‘It was technology, not the unnatural discounts that were the primary driver for this shift in consumer preference. The question was how we can use this same technology to give power back to the mom-and-pop retailers. This is what led to the formation of the Just Buy Live’ says Sahil Sani, CEO, Just Buy Live in conversation with Business Insider.

Just Buy provides a platform that provides traditional retailers and institutional buyers access to consumer brands.

They have built a platform that will 'democratize' and empower retailers, who drive 50% of GDP in India, according to the company.

Sahil quips, ‘We don’t operate on a burn or discount model, where you spend a lot to acquire customers upfront with the intention to make revenues later. All our discounts and offers come out of our margins.’ They don’t store any products and deliver on demand which makes them asset light.

Their business model is unique; not only in India but globally as well. ‘We are a brand-to-retail platform that focuses on selling to brick-and-mortar retailers. While the e-market players sell to the consumers who are their end-users of the products, we have replicated the entire process to suit us in our vision to help the retail segment. From using the distribution networks followed in India to technology, ours is a back-end chain offering a solution to mom-n-pop stores to buy food, beverages, stationery, toys, pharmaceutical products, mobile and electronic products etc.’ comments Sahil when asked about why the platform is different.

This model helps in getting retailers access to online consumers.
They have over 60,000 retailers onboard and confident of providing their services to over one lakh of these businesses in the next 100 days.

They have even deployed on-field executives who assist retailers in not only registering themselves on the Just Buy app but also educating them on how to use it and place orders. This might turn out to be a brilliant middle ground in the commerce war that we see between online and offline retailers.


