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I couldn't afford full-time childcare, so I had my daughter start kindergarten early. I don't regret my decision.

Elizabeth Blackwell   

I couldn't afford full-time childcare, so I had my daughter start kindergarten early. I don't regret my decision.
  • I couldn't afford to pay for daycare for my daughter, so I had her start kindergarten early.
  • Everyone told me I shouldn't because she would be younger than all her peers; I did it anyway.

When my daughter, Clara, arrived a few weeks earlier than her due date, I was mostly relieved that she was healthy and I'd gotten an epidural in time. It wasn't until a few years later that I realized her mid-September birthday meant she'd narrowly miss the cutoff for kindergarten admission. In many places around the country—including my town — children must be 5 years old by September 1 to start school.

I continued working as much as possible, paying for full-day childcare twice a week. Things got more complicated when I had twin boys soon after Clara's 4th birthday. Childcare for three children cost as much as I was earning.

But when I heard that my local elementary school sometimes made exceptions for children with September birthdays, I jumped at the offer.

I didn't think my choice would be so controversial

Clara seemed interested in school (not to mention shopping for a princess-themed backpack). But the school, rightly, didn't just take my word for it. We met with the principal and a counselor, who asked Clara basic questions and gave her some basic drawing tasks. This wasn't IQ-level testing; it was more to assess whether Clara could sit still, focus, and take direction.

To my great relief, Clara passed the test. But as soon as I started sharing the good news, well-meaning friends and relatives began to warn me that I might be making a terrible mistake. Hadn't I considered the repercussions for Clara later on? She'd be the last to get her driver's license in high school. In college, all her friends would go out drinking without her.

I began second-guessing my decision. Was I pushing Clara into school because it would save money? Was it because having her out of the house most of the day while I focused on the twins would be nice? Maybe I was setting my daughter up for a lifetime of anxiety and disappointment — for my own selfish reasons.

It felt like a terrible weight, being responsible for the happiness of a future teenager I knew nothing about.

I had to trust my gut instincts

My sister-in-law, a mother of three, was one of the few people who told me to go for it. "Clara's definitely ready," she told me. "She might always be bored in school if you wait."

When Clara was a newborn, I often doubted the "mother's intuition" I'd read about in many parenting guides. How was I supposed to know why my baby was crying? Was I a terrible mother if I couldn't figure it out?

Over the years, though, I'd learned to pick up on my daughter's signals. I knew when she needed a nap; I knew when an impending temper tantrum meant she was hungry. I learned to trust my instincts, even when they went against conventional wisdom. Clara wasn't some kind of precocious genius; she was just a curious little girl who was ready for new experiences and excited about spending more time with kids her age.

She was ready for school.

Years later, my daughter assured me I'd done the right thing

As Clara proceeded through school, she was indeed the youngest person in most of her classes, though that never seemed to bother her. She got her driver's license long after everyone else and couldn't go to bars until her senior year of college.

Now that her college graduation is approaching, I feel as if I've come to the end of a decades-long research experiment. And my now-adult daughter has turned out just fine. No one gets through adolescence without some drama and self-doubt, but Clara recently told me she's glad I didn't hold her back.

"I'd have been bored," she told me, echoing her aunt's long-ago warning.

I now understand that parents know their kids best. I just hope more schools will consider early admission for children whose birthdays fall close to the deadline. In my family's case, it was a win-win all around.

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