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  4. Everyone's furious about this video of a guy throwing a girl across the room that was shown at a Cavaliers playoff game

Everyone's furious about this video of a guy throwing a girl across the room that was shown at a Cavaliers playoff game

Everyone's furious about this video of a guy throwing a girl across the room that was shown at a Cavaliers playoff game

Controversy sprung up Wednesday night at (and after) Game 2 of the Eastern Conference semifinals in Cleveland.

The Cavaliers beat the Bulls but it seems as if the lasting story of the game is one of the promotional videos that the Cleveland Cavaliers showed in the stadium during the matchup.

We found out about this story $4 who pointed first to a tweet from Bleacher Report's Ethan Skolnick:

While the video is clearly a parody, eventually it made it online and a firestorm ensued, with people screaming that the Cavs were promoting domestic violence. $4

If you haven't seen it, here's what you can expect ...

It starts out as a man and a woman, seemingly in a relationship, hear "Time Of My Life" (you know, from "Dirty Dancing") and begin wooing each other into dancing.

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YouTube / Steve McPherson

The dancing intensifies ...

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YouTube / Steve McPherson

Then we get to the moment where they're getting ready to mimic that iconic scene from "Dirty Dancing."

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YouTube / Steve McPherson

That's the moment where the man sees that she's in fact wearing a Bulls shirt (and is therefore a Bulls fan) and throws her across the room instead of spinning her around (you can see it in the video below).

Afterwards, as she ices her head, they agree to just watch the game ... and "Go Cavs."

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YouTube / Steve McPherson

This has started a storm on social media with people claiming that the video supports domestic violence.

As of this writing the Cavs have not yet issued any responses to the accusations, we'll update this post when they do.

Ultraviolet, a group that fights for women's rights, has issued this statement from one of its cofounders:


"The Cleveland Cavaliers should be ashamed of themselves. If the last year has taught us anything, it's that domestic violence is a very serious issue in America-three women die each and every day as a result of domestic abuse. With a national epidemic of violence against women, we simply cannot afford to have the NBA condone this kind of violence. The Cavaliers need to make this right. Whoever is responsible for this video should be fired immediately. "

UltraViolet has spent the last year holding the NFL accountable on domestic violence after a string of high-profile abuse issues, including Ray Rice. 


Here's the whole video:

Here's the statement from the Cavs, $4:

During a timeout at last night's Cavaliers vs. Bulls playoff game at The Q in Cleveland, we ran a 1-minute in-arena video that was intended to be a humorous spoof on a popular commercial centered on a song and dance from the classic movie 'Dirty Dancing.' While the video was not intended to be offensive, it was a mistake to include content that made light of domestic violence."

Domestic violence is a very serious matter and has no place in a parody video that plays in an entertainment venue. We sincerely apologize to those who have been affected by domestic violence for the obvious negative feelings caused by being exposed to this insensitive video.



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