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Fascinating facts about 90% of Chinese people

Fascinating facts about 90% of Chinese people

Chinese women


Women are reflected in a mirror as they look at flowers being projected onto the wall and the floor of a room, as part of a promotional campaign at a shopping mall in Shanghai, China, August 5, 2015.

China is the $4 and the second-largest economy in the world.

But aside from sharing a landmass with around 1.4 billion people, what do the majority of Chinese people have in common?

We've compiled a list $4 in 20 countries and published in 2014. Around 1,000 people aged 16-64 were surveyed in China.

Check out the facts below:

96% of Chinese people have black hair.

100% of Chinese people were born in the country.

93% of Chinese people think the world is changing too fast.

China charts

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90% of Chinese people believe it's better for parents of children to be married rather than not married.

90% of Chinese people think women should have the same rights - and the same power - as men.

97% of Chinese people wouldn't be too bothered if they couldn't access Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other social networking websites.

95% of Chinese people say they have not been irritated by unrequested online recommendations from an online retailer or service in the last year.

90% of Chinese people would double check their doctor's health advice.

99% of Chinese smartphone owners don't use a BlackBerry.

92% of Chinese people will check out online reviews if they don't feel confident making a purchase decision.

90% of Chinese people always buy the best quality product they can afford.

90% of Chinese people think people now know more than they used to because the internet provides so much information.


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92% of Chinese people make an effort to recycle.



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