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5 reasons why you should buy life insurance at the right time and here’s how much you should invest

1. Untimely death of bread winner:

5 reasons why you should buy life insurance at the right time and here’s how much you should invest

2. .For achieving their financial goals:

2. .For achieving their financial goals:

By making small and sustained every year in an appropriate life insurance policy, one can ensure that enough money is saved over longer term to successfully meet specific financial goals such as child education, marriage or estate planning. The unique feature of life insurance policy is that once bought, these goals are secured for the family even in case of untimely death of the life assured.

3. Retirement plans:

3. Retirement plans:

We must think about the longer period of expenses without an active income source. This problem only gets accentuated with inflation and added burden of medical costs at older age. It is critical that retirement planning begins early in our working lives. Life Insurance is a very effective tool to mitigate that risk and ensure enough provisions are made to have a sustained standard of living at older age

4. Cover health contingencies:

4. Cover health contingencies:

As a person ages, health issues arise. This may result in huge monetary outflows either for yourself or your near and dear ones, especially parents. Life insurance products help in overall health scenarios and provide financial protect and erosion of accumulated savings.

5. Save tax:

5. Save tax:

Life insurance serve as an effective tax saving tool as contribution towards life insurance premium and income from certain life insurance products are tax efficient. Please consult your tax advisor for more details

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