Accordingly, for the top 250 listed entities, it will come into effect from April 1, 2024.
The decision taken by the Sebi board on Wednesday was to bring more transparency and to ensure timely disclosure of material events or information by listed entities.
"Stricter timeline for disclosure of material events/information for which decision has been taken in the meeting of the board of directors (within 30 minutes) and which are emanating from within the listed entity (within 12 hours)," Sebi said.
Meanwhile, on Wednesday, Sebi chairperson
On March 2, the Supreme Court set up an expert committee amid the controversy arising out of a report by US short-seller
"We never comment on entity-specific matters and on top of that, the matter is before the Supreme Court. We never comment on sub-judice matters," Buch said at a press conference after its board meeting.
"We will follow the advice of the Supreme Court. We are duty-bound to follow whatever the Supreme Court has said," she said, adding, "We will follow the Supreme Court order in letter and spirit."
The January 24 Hindenburg report alleged stock manipulation and accounting fraud by the conglomerate. Over the past few weeks since the Hindenburg report, share prices of most companies in the Adani Group have dropped significantly, though to varying degrees.