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From Mongolians to British: Which one had the biggest empire?

From Mongolians to British: 
Which one had the biggest empire?
Conquering countries and constantly growing their regions has dependably been a most loved past time of people with significant influence. Whether it was the Romans, Greeks, or Ottomans, it appears that gathering assets, countries, and the quest for a capable legacy assumed a gigantic part in the ascent and fall of their empires. Albeit today we no more see borders moving forward and backward so quickly, but imperialism is still alive.

The meaning of an empire is: the point at which a solitary element has incomparable run and control over an inconceivable region, which comprises of people groups of various ethnicity and nationality. This rundown depends on the impact, life span and force of the different empires, and, as you will see, it contains no less than a couple entrees that may strike some as disputable. So how about we simply go ahead and how many have ruled our country:


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