If there is any leak, it could be posted on torrent download sites and also illegal streaming services. In case you are looking forward to download the GOT leaks of season 8 episode 5, you must know something very important. Security experts have cautioned that the cybercriminals have targeted the pirated episodes of GOT on top priority. The illegal download of the leaks could contain potentially harmful viruses and malware.
Sean McGrath, BestVPN.com editor sais, “These are exciting times for television fans. Streaming services have shaken things up and we are living through a new golden age of TV programming. But our love of television and desire to get things instantly makes us easy targets for those who wish to do us harm. Malicious executable files can easily be bound to video files, which means all a user needs to do is start watching a video and their computer could be infected.”
Hence it is highly essential that you run quality antivirus software irrespective of the platform or the operating system you might use.