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Google Buys Out Another Startup, This Time A Travel App Called Jetpac

Google Buys Out Another Startup, This Time A Travel App
Called Jetpac
Google has just bought a San Francisco based travel app maker called Jetpac. Jetpac started in California 3 years ago and is very popular with the masses. Jetpac is an app that creates insightful travel guides using consumer’s picture behaviour on social networks such as Instagram.

The application is freely available on the Apple app store, but after its acquisition by Google the app will be removed from the iStore. Google has not given any official statement on if the app will now only be available on the Android platform or a new version will be available on the iOS as well. Jetpac said it will stop supporting the app by mid-September.

The financial details of the merger are still not clear. Jetpac is a good acquisition by the Internet mammoth. This app enables people to search for local clubs and pubs in more than 6,000 cities across the globe. Google should take great advantage of their codes and maybe string them in on Google maps.


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