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Google cofounder Larry Page built a man cave in his secret startup's office

Google cofounder Larry Page built a man cave in his secret startup's office

Larry Page


Google co-founder Larry Page speaks with people at his lunch table during the Clinton Global Initiative in New York September 27, 2007.

It must be nice to be a billionaire.

Alphabet CEO Larry Page, for example, has discreetly poured part of his wealth into two secret startups, Zee.Aero and Kitty Hawk, which are dedicated to building flying cars, $4.

But making a classic science-fiction dream reality isn't even the coolest part. Apparently, Page turned the entire second floor of Zee.Aero's headquarters into a "man cave worthy of a billionaire" - complete with a bedroom, climbing wall, and an actual rocket engine, courtesy of Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk.

From $4:

Page initially restricted the Zee.Aero crew to the first floor, retaining the second floor for a man cave worthy of a multibillionaire: bedroom, bathroom, expensive paintings, a treadmill-like climbing wall, and one of SpaceX's first rocket engines - a gift from his pal Musk. As part of the secrecy, Zee.Aero employees didn't refer to Page by name; he was known as GUS, the guy upstairs.

Zee.Aero employees got a few nice perks too, such as catered lunches, including at one point, $900 of catered barbecue.

But Page didn't keep his secret office crash pad for long. Apparently, Zee.Aero expanded so quickly that eventually it needed the second floor for more engineers - it now employs 150 people - so Page had to move out his expensive paintings, workout gear, and collectibles.

But it's not like he can't afford to build a new man cave. Anyone who can spend at least $100 million on the idea of a flying car, which may not ever come to fruition, has more than a little money to burn.



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