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Here’s how you should be taking care of your vintage car

Here’s how you should be taking care of your vintage car

If you’re a car connoisseur, you’re bound to be obsessed with vintage cars as they not just make up a proud purchase but also carry a little bit of the old-school charm with them.

The word “Vintage’’ denotes to something of great value from the past, something that best represents its kind, and motor-heads are very well aware of the exciting piece of history they own in the form of a vintage car.

A real vintage car is not a run-of-the-mill purchase; it is treasured machine that embodies a lifestyle that calls for regular investments for its upkeep. Therefore, just like any other beloved piece of antique, your vintage car also needs to be preserved, not only with its beauty but also with its functionality.


We have compiled a list of few guidelines you can follow to preserve that ancient beast you own with inputs from Rishab Malik, Co-founder, Droom.:

Keep it garbed and sheltered: To begin with, direct sunlight causes excessive heat and can impact negatively on various aspects of the vehicle. Likewise, when not garbed properly, the wind can blow foreign object into the car that could not only contaminate the car from inside but also leave scratch marks and dents. Prolonged exposure to water evokes development of rust. This rust has the capacity to eat your car away, which could lead to hunting for various scarce spare parts for your car.

Get it professionally checked on a regular basis: Owning a vintage car and its maintenance could be a hobby in itself. While performing regular chores for its upkeep by you is a good practice, getting it checked by professional mechanics at regular intervals is even better. It is easy to overlook simple repairs and adjustments, which could later result in more critical problems.

Pump the Breaks: Pulling up to a red light with a beautiful car and loud engine will get people asking questions and swooning but once the breaks squeal, it may receive more laughs. That's why it's important to maintain the breaks and pump them whenever possible to keep them as smooth as possible.


Deep cleaning for good maintenance: Cleaning your priced possession from every nook and cranny at regular intervals, keeps damages caused by dirt buildup at bay. Damages such as rusted parts, chipping paint and poor performance could dim the shine of the antiquity. However, while cleaning please ensure to rinse and dry the car to remove any residual soap. You might also want to consider adding a coat of wax for protection and to keep it classy.

Protect the Interior: When riding around town, showing off the interior to friends, and passengers is just as important. That's why protecting the leather and vinyl from sun damage and stains becomes vital with Simple leather creams, vinyl cleaners, and UV blockers.


Take it out for a drive often: While a lot of vintage car owners might be inclined towards safeguarding and protecting their cars, keeping it completely locked up in the garage does no good to your car. Apart from the thrill of showing your car off on the roads, taking it out on a drive keeps it up and running. Not driving a car for prolonged period of time increases the risks of corrosion and rust and prevents it from staying in a running condition. Additionally, driving it around in your neighborhood also keeps you in the know of potential problems the car might be faced with.


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