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Here's what happens if you die without a will

Here's what happens if you die without a will

Aretha Franklin

Mary Altaffer/AP Images

Aretha Franklin reportedly didn't leave behind a will.

  • What happens if you die without a $4?
  • $4 reported that famed singer $4 did not leave a will behind.
  • If you die without a will in the US, the fate of your estate largely varies based on your location and the status of your family.

What happens if you die without a $4?

Singer $4 reportedly died without leaving behind a will, according to $4. The singer's net worth was around $80 million, according to $4. Plenty of famous figures like Howard Hughes, Prince, and Pablo Picasso died without wills, $4 reported.

And a majority of Americans $4 or a living trust, according to a 2017 $4.

Whether or not you're rich and famous, people who die without leaving behind a will are classified as having died "intestate."

What happens to all your stuff and money, at least in the United States, depends on what state you live in. $4 vary across the United States. Those laws help determine who the government will pick to be your heirs, CNN $4.

Here's what's likely happen to your property if you die without a will:

If you're single without kids

According to the legal website $4, if you're a single, childless individual, your estate will pass on to your parents - or it'll be divided equally among your siblings and half-siblings if your parents are dead.

If you don't have any surviving siblings, nieces, or nephews, the estate will be divided between your paternal and maternal relatives.

If you're single with kids

$4 reported that if you're a single parent with children, your estate will typically be divided up equally amongst your kids or, if your children have predeceased you, your grandkids.

If you're married without any kids

According to $4, if you're married and childless, your estate goes to your spouse. One big caveat: most states are common law property $4, FindLaw $4. If you leave behind property designated "separate property" - which means that it was an asset acquired before the marriage - that could be split between your spouse, parents, and even your siblings.

If you're married with kids

If all of your children belong to your surviving spouse, your wife or husband will inherit the entirety of your state, according to $4. If you have children from a previous relationship, your estate will be split between them and your surviving spouse.

If you're not married to your partner

If you're not married to your partner and die without leaving behind a will, your partner will likely be left in the lurch when it comes to inheritance.

If you have a domestic partner

Not all states recognize domestic partnerships, according to $4, so whether or not your domestic partner will inherit your estate varies based on your location.

Some property doesn't require a will to pass on

Not all property requires a will to pass on. According to $4, life insurance benefits, IRAs, 401Ks, or retirement funds with beneficiaries, most assets "held as payable on death," and assets in a living trust typically pass "without a will and without any intestacy proceedings."



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