scorecardHere's Why The Words 'Love' And 'Hate' Should Be Banned From Your Office
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Here's Why The Words 'Love' And 'Hate' Should Be Banned From Your Office

Here's Why The Words 'Love' And 'Hate' Should Be Banned From Your Office
Careers1 min read

You send your boss an email outlining a new marketing strategy for your firm. She responds with three simple words: "I love it!"

You're ecstatic. But you shouldn't be, says Nancy Lublin, chief executive of, in a recent LinkedIn post.

"[That's] a useless form of praise," she explains. "It's the Marshmallow Peep of feedback: It tastes darn good, you get a quick sugar rush, but it has zero nutrients or long term positive impact."

When your boss or colleague says, "I love it," "I like it," or, "I hate it," there's a good chance they haven't really thought about this feedback as a "teaching moment" - and you, the listener, won't learn anything from it, she says.

That's why Lublin has banned the words "love," "like," and "hate" in her office - and why you should, too.

But if your boss or coworkers continue to offer these "shortcuts that lead to dead-ends," there are a few things you'll want to do.

First, ask them to describe what specifically they are reacting to - and then find out why they love or hate what you've presented.

Finding out the "what" and "why" will help you remember what worked and what didn't, will let you learn for the future, and will keep the conversation focused on the project rather than personal feelings, Lublin says.

You'll also want to offer your colleague feedback on her feedback. Let her know that you appreciate and understand the "what" and "why" she has communicated to you. This may encourage her to continue offering more comprehensive feedback in the future.

Click here to read the full LinkedIn post.

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