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How Billionaire Mark Cuban Is Raising His Kids So They Don't Turn Into Rich, Spoiled Brats

How Billionaire Mark Cuban Is Raising His Kids So They Don't Turn Into Rich, Spoiled Brats
Tech2 min read

Mark Cuban is a billionaire, but he and his wife Tiffany want to make sure their children don't become spoiled.

At South by Southwest, Cuban explained what he and Tiffany Cuban are trying to teach their children:

"I'm not the dad that comes home with a ton of presents. I am the dad that says, 'Pick that up. Take that; put it in the sink. No, you have to earn that.' I want them to recognize that the only thing special about themselves is what they make for themselves.

"They have to be themselves. They can't be Mark Cuban's or Tiffany Cuban's son or daughter. They have to be adults and they have to carry their own weight. I literally battled with my wife (she always wins) about public schools versus private schools. I didn't want them to have a sense of entitlement."

"I want them to be like themselves. My daughter is 10. She's just your basic drama queen. And that's a good thing. It's not about stuff. I just don't want it to ever be about stuff. If I treat them with respect hopefully they'll treat their peers with respect. That's what we pay attention to more than anything else, how they treat other people."

While Cuban tries hard to make sure his kids don't care about "stuff," it's not always easy. The interviewer mentioned hearing that Cuban's 10-year-old daughter doesn't like to fly commercial. Cuban laughed and replied:

"She just didn't understand it! But I know, that's just brutal. I didn't fly on an airplane until I was 16. They've been on more flights by the age of four than I had been my entire life. We try to put it in context. But they do fly commercial now…with my wife not me!"

Cuban says they have a nanny who helps oversee the kids while he and his wife are working. But beyond that, the Cubans try to maintain a normal household:

"No butlers. We have a nanny. Unless it's the night of a Mavs game and Tiff and I are going to a game, then they're out by 6 or 7 and then it's real world. On the weekends we have someone in the morning so Tiff and I go workout Saturday mornings. Then the rest of the weekend it's just us. It's us putting them to bed. It's us at dinner. We try to be as normal as possible. The whole idea of someone serving you, this and that, that's not us."


