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How to delete Facebook account permanently

How to delete Facebook account permanently
There can be a lot of reasons why you will want to delete your Facebook Account permanently. Some of the top reasons for people to delete their Facebook account include online privacy, getting too much bothered by constant status updates from contacts, rising concerns on the negative impact of social media in life and so on. Finally when you want to delete your Facebook account and stay cool for some reason, you are not alone. A lot of people are turning away from the social media sites on physical and mental health grounds. Here is how you can permanently delete your Facebook account.

There are two ways of deleting your account - Deactivating and Deleting Facebook Account – You must know the difference between them to choose what will work well for you.

Deactivating your Facebook account

  • When you deactivate the Facebook account, you can activate it whenever you want.
  • People can neither search for you nor see your Facebook timeline.
  • Some information including the messages you sent will be still visible.
  • Facebook will save your account to help you out in case you wish to reactivate it once again.

Deleting your Facebook account

  • Facebook keeps the deletion of the account for a few days after you have requested for it. If you happen to log on during this grace period, your account will be reactivated again.
  • When you have deleted your Facebook account, you will never be able to access it.
  • It will take about 90 days for Facebook to delete your data stored with them. Nevertheless, your information is not available on Facebook during this time.
  • What is not stored in your account like the messages you have sent to your friends will remain active.
  • Though copies of some kinds of materials like log records might still be there in the Facebook’s database, the company says they are delinked from personal identifiers.
How to decide

Whether you wish to deactivate the Facebook account or delete it permanently, the choice must take into account your needs and situation. The points mentioned above will be able to help you choose between deactivating and deleting your Facebook account. Deleting your Facebook account can have a lot of consequences. Whether you like it or not, you might miss out some friendships, job opportunities, and social contacts. If you are only worried about your online privacy, you can secure your Facebook privacy settings. However, if you have decided to scrap down your Facebook account permanently,


Steps to delete your Facebook Account

  • Click on the Lock Icon on your Facebook Page. You will find this in the top right-hand side corner.
  • Click on the search icon and search for ‘delete’
  • In the list of bullet points you will see, click on “How do I permanently delete my account?”
  • Scroll down and you will find a link “Let us Know”. Here click on delete my account. You will be prompted to input your password and enter the captcha. Hit OK and it is all done. You have permanently deleted your Facebook account.


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