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I finally bought a selfie stick, and I don't care how much my loved ones hate it - this thing is great!

I finally bought a selfie stick, and I don't care how much my loved ones hate it - this thing is great!

I went to Valencia, Spain over Memorial Day weekend.

After the jamón ibérico, guess what my best purchase was?

Yep, you nailed it: A selfie-stick!

When my wife went into a shop to buy some cheap sunglasses, I spent 5 euros on my very first ever selfie-stick.

The people I was with were totally embarrassed. Maybe even a little mad. You can tell in my first ever selfie-stick photo. Just look at Dan's eyes.

Dan_looks_at_my_selfie stick

Nicholas Carlson

A man hates my selfie-stick.

I didn't care. You know why? Because the selfie-stick was awesome!


I was very happy with my new purchase.

You can hold it out in front of you while you walk (or dance).


You can raise it above your head.


You can lower it in front of you to show what's above you.


You can use it to get a great shot of this guy.


You can use it to raise your camera above the crowd and get a better shot.


You can hold it over your head and film a time-lapse of a long walk through a city that ends when you bump into your best friend.


The best part of a selfie-stick? They are so absurd, that by the end of the night, even the haters have to smile.




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