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I tried every single item on Taco Bell's value breakfast menu - here's how it all stacks up

Hollis Johnson   

I tried every single item on Taco Bell's value breakfast menu - here's how it all stacks up
Retail1 min read

Taco Bell Value Breakfast 1

Hollis Johnson

The fast-food budget wars have heated up recently.

While Burger King, Wendy's, and McDonald's have all introduced thrifty value menus and bundle deals, breakfast has more or less escaped the value wars.

But Taco Bell's new $1 breakfast menu, combining existing breakfast options with several new items, is a shot across the bow.

Clearly, $1 breakfast items can make anyone's wallet happy, but is the food worth it?

We decided to try all the chewable, non-beverage value breakfast items (I think we all can imagine what orange citrus Mountain Dew tastes like, for better or worse) to find out if this morning value selection is a breakfast blessing or a blight.


