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Paperless exams at 6 institutes saved 20 million sheets of paper, and can save more

Paperless exams at 6 institutes saved 20 million sheets of paper, and can save more
Education2 min read

  • LittleMore Innovation Labs is using writing device ‘DigiTaal’ for paperless exams.
  • The company has conducted over 1.5 million paperless exams, saving millions of paper sheets.
  • It has clients like Indian Institute of Information Technology(IIIT), Bangalore, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), and Manipal University.
LittleMore Innovation Labs is trying to push digitisation into the Indian education system with paperless exams. It has designed a unique device ‘DigiTaal’ — which can record as it’s written with.

The Chennai-based startup claims to be the only company across the globe to provide this solution. It believes that it can bring in efficiency and transparency, as the device can record every stroke of the pen.

‘Zero data loss’

The entire process of writing and evaluation will not use paper. This solution can be extended to objective and descriptive exams as well. Their device works in sync with PEXA software ecosystem which can streamline the entire process of examination.

The device records all the semester exams and tracks all the impressions on the DigiTaal while writing answers. “We conducted over 1.5 million paperless exams with zero loss of data. In the process, we helped save 20 million sheets of paper,” Srikanth Ganesan, Founder, LittleMore Innovation Labs told Financial Express.

As of now, the company has managed to rope in clients like Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Bangalore, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Manipal University, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) and REVA University among others.

The startup is seeking government support towards its initiative.

Apart from saving trees, digital exams also aims to increase efficiency. It can hasten the process of evaluation while cutting down the hassle of revaluation.

According to a report by the Forest Ministry, India’s forest cover decreased by 29,000 sq-km over a span of 30 years. Such lands are being used to construct manufacturing plants for paper, fabrics etc. The World Bank data shows that carbon dioxide emission hit 1.7 metric tonnes per capita in 2014.

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