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COVID-19 patient who escaped from hospital caught by police

COVID-19 patient who escaped from hospital caught by police
Narsingpur, Apr 20 () An NSA detainee, who escapedfrom a hospital in Jabalpur after testing positive forcoronavirus, was caught by police in Madhya Pradesh'sNarsingpur district on Monday morning, an official said.

The man escaped on Sunday when he and other patientswere being shifted to a super-specialty facility in theJabalpur Medical College and Hospital.

This person and three others had been detained underthe National Security Act (NSA) for attacking health workersand police in Indore. They had been shifted from a jail inIndore to Jabalpur.

The detainee tested coronavirus positive on April 11.

"He was nabbed at Madanpur check post in Tendukhedatown of Narsingpur around 6.30 am while he was trying to steala bike for escaping further," district Superintendent ofPolice Gurukaran Singh said.

The accused had a fight with the police personnel atthe check post when they tried to arrest him, trainee deputysuperintendent of police Ashish Jain said.

After escaping from the Jabalpur medical college, theaccused boarded a truck to reach Madanpur, Jain said.

"We are trying to find out his contact history afterhe escaped from Jabalpur so that all those persons can bequarantined," he said.

After he escaped from the hospital, four policemenwere suspended for negligence in duty and two cash rewards ofRs 25,000 and Rs 10,000 were announced by the InspectorGeneral, Jabalpur Range, and Jabalpur's Superintendent ofPolice for any information leading to his arrest. COR MASADUGK GK

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