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Maha allows home delivery of liquor; guidelines in two days

Maha allows home delivery of liquor; guidelines in two days
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Mumbai, May 12() The Maharashtra government onTuesday allowed home delivery of liquor to avoid crowding atshops amid the coronavirus-enforced lockdown.

However, the home delivery order, issued by the HomeDepartment, will come into force effect only after guidelinesare finalised in the next couple of days, said a seniorofficial.

Only those who have permit for drinking can order forhome delivery. Liquor shops which have been allowed to reopensince May 5 will be able to take orders on phone, he said.

The decision comes in the wake of crowding outsideliquor outlets when they opened early last week followingrelaxations in lockdown norms.

The purpose of allowing home delivery was to avoidcrowding at liquor stores and prevent the spread ofcoronavirus, the official said.

"The order was issued today, but it will not come intoeffect until detailed guidelines are framed. The governmentwill issue the guidelines in the next two days," he told .

"The mode of payment has to be decided by the buyerand the seller. A person can order up to 12 IMFL (Indian-MadeForeign Liquor) bottles," he added.

Rules regarding possession of various types of liquorat home are displayed on the excise department's website whichbuyers can check before placing orders, the official said.

Asked about how long this provision would continue inthe state, the IAS officer said, "Todays order is valid onlytill the lockdown period is in force because social gatheringis prohibited.

"People coming out of their homes for liquor purchasecan now place an order and get it delivered at theirdoorsteps."

Another IAS officer said, The service will continueto operate on the lines of e-commerce platforms like Amazonwhere there will be some delivery charges over and above theMRP printed on the bottle.

The guidelines which will be out by Thursday willexplain the procedure further to avoid any confusion. It isthe liquor shops responsibility to hire personnel and ensuredoorstep delivery of liquor to its customers," she said.

Shop owners will have to take sanitisation and otherprecautionary measures for staff at regular intervals, thesecond IAS officer said.

If a buyer does not have purchase permit then a one-day permit can be obtained from the liquor shop owner withstandard charges, said the officer, adding every shop willhave a limited geographical area of operation. ND KRKRSY RSY

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