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MP govt to send proposal on shape of lockdown 4.0 to Centre

MP govt to send proposal on shape of lockdown 4.0 to Centre
Bhopal, May 12 () The Madhya Pradesh governmentwill prepare a proposal on shape of the next round of thecoronavirus lockdown after discussions with various sectionsof the society and submit it to the Centre on May 15, saidChief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Tuesday.

In the context of "lockdown 4", discussions are beingheld in Madhya Pradesh from the district-level to the statecapital, Chouhan said in a statement.

He said all ministers will hold discussions and seeksuggestions from social organisations, engineers, doctors,media representatives, among other sections of the society,from divisions under their charge.

Views of major political parties will also be sought,Chouhan said.

Chouhan said in view of the coronavirus pandemic,economic activities cannot remain suspended indefinitely.

"All necessary steps have been taken in Madhya Pradeshas per the Centres instructions related to tackling thecoronavirus outbreak, the chief minister said.

Adhering to social distancing norms, normal activitieswill be allowed in the green zone and permission will begranted for activities for a fixed time while keepingcontainment areas closed in the orange zone, he informed.

While ensuring special precautions in the red zone,area-wise activities will be allowed in a phased manner, hesaid.

Suggestions obtained from the State Level AdvisoryCommittee, Crisis Management Group of districts, variousorganisations and individuals will be compiled and sent to thecentral government on May 15, he said.

In a televised address to the nation in the evening,Prime Minister Narendra Modi said there will be a fourth phaseof the lockdown which will be very different from the earlierthree rounds.

The third phase of the lockdown is scheduled to end onMay 17. ADU MASRSY RSY

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