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Odisha plans revival of tourism post lockdown

Odisha plans revival of tourism post lockdown
Bhubaneswar, May 8 () Keen to revive the severely-hit tourism sector in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic,the Odisha government is planning to come out with a packagefor promotion of various destinations in the state to woodomestic travellers in the post lockdown scenario, an officialsaid.

Chief Secretary A K Tripathy held a meeting with theofficials concerned on Thursday, and directed them to preparean incentive scheme to attract private investment in thehospitality and tourism industry which is considered to be alabour-intensive service sector.

"Domestic tourism is the core focus in the postlockdown phase as this segment is expected to revive fasterthan the others," Tripathy said.

The government has decided to prioritise thedevelopment projects in tourist destinations like Rambha andSatpada clusters in Chilika, Bhitarkanika national park,Chandrabhaga and Talsari beaches, he said.

Tripatahy also suggested the department to explorepossibilities of developing "Eco-Retreat 2020" hubs in thelocations like Daringbadi, Debrigarh, Satkosia, Konark andMahanadi Riverbed between Naraj and Dhabaleswar.

He also directed the department to make a detailedoperational plan involving various government agencies and keystakeholders.

"The comprehensive development of Buddhist circuit andShamuka project near Puri were also discussed in the meeting,"tourism department secretary Vishal Dev said.

He said the department has made a holistic assessmentof Covid-19 impact on the tourism sector.

"There were cancellations of bookings due to thelockdown. All the stakeholders will need support from thefinancial institutions," Dev said.

He said the government will organise road shows inmetros and tier-II cities across the country to attractdomestic tourists.

"A special campaign will be taken up to promote thetourism sector with organising Odia food festivals across sixcities," Dev added. AAMBDC BDC

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