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One more coronavirus case reported in Mathura, total cases rise to 7

One more coronavirus case reported in Mathura, total cases rise to 7
Mathura, Apr 22 () The number of coronavirus cases in the district rose to seven after a 50-year-old man tested positive for it, officials said on Wednesday.

District Magistrate Sarvagya Ram Mishra said the patient was a vegetable seller in Agra, but was the resident of Baldeo block of the district.

While he has been kept under quarantine, a survey team has been sent to his village, the official said.

Mishra said now thermal scanning has been made compulsory for entry into Krashi Utpadan Mandi Samiti to prevent over-crowding.

As 20 people from another village tested negative for the virus after completing their quarantine period, they have been sent to their homes, Mishra said, adding they have been instructed to remain in home quarantine for two weeks.

The reports of family members of a coronavirus patient, who is a resident of the village, have been found negative, he said, adding that the patient has been kept under quarantine.

The district magistrate also asked people to strictly adhere to lockdown rules and on social distancing.

The official said the students coming from Kota have been advised to get themselves examined for COVID-19 and added that stern action under Epidemic Act will be taken against violaters. CORR AARAAR

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