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Over 18,000 arrested in Maha for lockdown violation: Deshmukh

Over 18,000 arrested in Maha for lockdown violation: Deshmukh
Mumbai, May 6 () More than 95,000 cases have beenregistered for violation of prohibitory orders during lockdownin Maharashtra so far, and 18,722 persons were arrested inthese cases, Home Minister Anil Deshmukh said on Wednesday.

The police are working round-the-clock to enforcelockdown and contain the spread of the virus, he said in astatement here.

95,678 cases were registered for violation ofrestrictions since lockdown began in the state, he said.

He had ordered strict action against anti-socialelements who attack the police, doctors, nurses and healthdepartment officials who are working relentlessly, theminister said.

At least 184 incidents of assault on police werereported in the state during lockdown and 663 persons wereheld in these cases, he added.

414 police personnel and 42 officials contracted virusinfection in the state, Deshmukh said.

If any police personnel has symptoms of the virusinfection, they should immediately visit special centres setup for them for treatment, he said.

So far, three police personnel from Mumbai and onefrom Pune have died due to coronavirus, the minister said.

2,11,638 persons were prescribed quarantine since thepandemic arrived in Maharashtra, and the police have so fartraced at least 642 persons who violated quarantine rules, hesaid.

The police also registered 1,279 cases of illegaltransport and seized 53,071 vehicles during lockdown.

A fine of Rs 3.51 crore was collected in various casesof violation of lockdown, the home minister informed.

The Maharashtra government has set up 4,808 reliefcamps which have benefited 4,42,858 migrants, labourers andthe poor, Deshmukh said.

"If the government provides some relaxation fromlockdown, it does not mean it is over, people should followsocial distancing and various rules of lockdown to win thisfight against coronavirus," he said. DCKRK KRK

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