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Presidency University students extend help to distressed casual staff of hostel

Presidency University students extend help to distressed casual staff of hostel
Kolkata, Apr 28 () To help the casual employees ofthe hostel, who are facing economic hardships due to theCOVID-19 induced lockdown, students of Presidency Universityhave donated money to them.

The students of Presidency University on Monday gaveRs 3000 each to eight casual employees of Hindu Hostel, whoare facing economic hardship as the institution and hostel areclosed due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Subho Biswas, one of the students of PresidencyUniversity said they raised the amount from boarders, ex-students and other well-wishers.

"We know Rs 3,000 is a small amount for a family inthe present situation. But we are thankful to everyone forchipping in. We will continue to assist these people infuture. Our fund raising will continue," Biswas said.

The amount was sent to the account of the eight casualemployees who live in East/West Midnapore and neighbouringOdisha, he said.

Presidency University Registrar Debojyoti Konar told: "our students have always performed their socialresponsibilities and we are proud of them."

However, the students must maintain social distancingnorms and other government-specified advisories while takingpart in any relief work for the economically disadvantagedpeople, he added.

The Presidency University Students Council, a few daysback had also given Rs 1,000 each to the eight casual workersof the Hindu Hostel and a hawker.

"We know this amount is very little to provide themrelief but we want to tell them that we are always by theirside," Presidency University Students' Council presidentMimosa Ghorai had said.

The students of the Indian Institute of EngineeringScience and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur have also given Rs2,000 each to 35 canteen staff recently. SUSRG RG

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