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Shun press conferences, PMK tells govt, media as scribes test positive for COVID-19

Shun press conferences, PMK tells govt, media as scribes test positive for COVID-19
Chennai, Apr 21 () Voicing concern over severaljournalists testing positive for coronavirus in Tamil Nadu andother states, PMK founder leader S Ramadoss on Tuesday urgedmedia organisations to protect their staff and suggested thatthe government can do away with press conferences on COVID-19. Referring to three journalists testing positive for thevirus in the city and 53 in Mumbai, he said mediapersons,alongside frontline warriors of COVID-19 like doctors, nurses,sanitary workers and police personnel have come under the"attack of coronavirus."

While the operations of medical professionals and policepersonnel could not be scaled down in the fight againstCOVID-19, the work style of scribes may be altered so as toprevent them from getting infected, Ramadoss said in astatement.

Pointing out that easily over 200 people, includingjournalists, photo journalists, and camerapersons oftelevision channels, could gather for a press meet, he said,"if this alone is avoided, journalists can be protected fromgetting infected." Rather than convening a press conference, theinformation sought to be conveyed in such gatherings can besent to media houses as 'press releases,' he said adding ifvideo footages were needed by television channels, these couldbe arranged by government information and public relationswing. "Hence, the government should give up coronavirusrelated press conferences... similarly, physical distancingshould be followed in press/media offices and the governmentand media firms must come forward to protect journalists," heappealed. VGNVS VS

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