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The last Solar Eclipse of 2021: Date, time and everything you need to know

The last Solar Eclipse of 2021: Date, time and everything you need to know
Solar and lunar eclipses are considered very important celestial events both astronomically and astrologically. Every year, we see a few of these celestial episodes that significantly differ in their nature and hence evoke our imaginations all the time. The 2021 calendar lists two solar eclipses. The first of its kind staged itself on June 10, 2021 and the second and the final solar eclipse for the year will happen on December 4, 2021.

Date and time of the last solar eclipse in 2021

On Saturday, December 4, 2021, the total solar eclipse will start at 10:59 a.m., India time and will go on until 3:07 p.m.

As per the UTC time line on December 4, 2021, the partial solar eclipse will start at 5:29 a.m. (UTC). The total eclipse will commence at 07:00 a.m. (UTC) and the eclipse will reach its maximum phase at 7:33 a.m. (UTC). The eclipse will end at 08:06 a.m. (UTC) and the partial eclipse will close at 09:37 a.m. (UTC).

Visibility of the solar eclipse on December 4, 2021

NASA has stated that most people in the Southern Hemisphere of the earth can witness a total or partial eclipse on Saturday, December 4, 2021. The total solar eclipse can be viewed only from Antarctica. Countries including Saint Helena, Sandwich Islands, Falkland Islands, South Georgia, Namibia, Lesotho, South Africa, Chile, Crozet Islands, New Zealand, and Australia can see partial eclipse.

The last solar eclipse of 2021 happening on Saturday, December 4 will not be visible from India. You can, however, view it on live streaming on different channels. NASA said the live streaming of the solar eclipse will start at 12 p.m., IST. In about half an hour, the eclipse will commence and will reach its totality at 1:14 p.m.. IST. If you are a sky gazer curiously interested in watching the eclipse, you may stay tuned to the live streaming on the day. Viewing the eclipse with bare eyes can be seriously harmful.

About a total solar eclipse

A solar eclipse happens when the new moon comes in between the Earth and the Sun hiding the Sun’s rays from sight for a brief period of time. Depending on the position of the Earth, Moon and the Sun during the eclipse, different types of eclipses can result. In a total solar eclipse, the moon exactly covers the Sun to its full size, also emitting the darkest part of its shadow. During annular or partial solar eclipses, the Moon does not cover the sun entirely and hence shows up a ring of fire with the middle portion of the Sun hidden from view.

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