scorecardJohnny Depp succeeded at coming off as 'vulnerable' and 'honest' on the stand, but he still faces an uphill battle in his defamation case, experts say
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Johnny Depp succeeded at coming off as 'vulnerable' and 'honest' on the stand, but he still faces an uphill battle in his defamation case, experts say

Ashley Collman   

Johnny Depp succeeded at coming off as 'vulnerable' and 'honest' on the stand, but he still faces an uphill battle in his defamation case, experts say
LifeInternational4 min read
Johnny Depp appears at his defamation trial against ex-wife Amber Heard in Fairfax County, Virginia.    Steve Helber/Pool via REUTERS
  • Johnny Depp spent four days on the stand testifying in his defamation case against Amber Heard.
  • Experts say Depp performed well, as he came across as authentic and charming to the jury.

When Johnny Depp took the stand in his defamation case against his ex-wife Amber Heard last week, a silence fell over the courtroom.

"For the first 30 minutes" in the courtroom, "the gallery and the jury were watching him like a hawk, hinging on every word he had to say," Jesse Weber, a host on the Law & Crime Network, told Insider.

Over the next four days, Depp spoke at length about his traumatic childhood and how he built a career in Hollywood before describing a turbulent marriage to Heard.

Depp is suing Heard, alleging she lied about being a domestic-violence survivor in a 2018 Washington Post op-ed and that article caused him to lose jobs. Heard has denied the accusations, spelling out in court documents the multiple occasions she alleges Depp physically assaulted her before and during their marriage. She'll get her chance to tell her side of the story in full later in the trial.

But in the past few days in court, all eyes have been on Depp. Insider spoke with two experts who have been following the case to get their read on how the actor had performed on the stand. Both said they believed Depp succeeded at coming across as "authentic" and "charming" but that his legal team still faced serious hurdles on the road to victory in the case.

Coming across 'real' and 'credible'

Weber said Depp did a "phenomenal job" during the first phase of his testimony, where he was questioned by his own legal team.

"He came across as real, credible, and honest," Weber said. "One of the things that stood out to me was his speech pattern. It was slow and deliberate. He took time to provide context and to answer these very difficult questions."

Mitra Ahouraian, an entertainment lawyer, agreed.

"I think he did a good job of coming off vulnerable and authentic and truthful," Ahouraian said.

But both Weber and Ahouraian said Depp struggled a bit under cross-examination from Heard's lawyers.

Amber Heard
Actor Amber Heard reacts during the her defamation trial at the Fairfax County Circuit Court in Fairfax, Virginia, on April 21, 2022.      Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool via REUTERS

"It was a complete 180 because he was questioned about things that really put him in the hot seat," Weber said.

During cross-examination, Depp was confronted with text messages in which he called Heard vulgar names, as well as a video and audio recordings of their arguments.

Weber said Depp, at times, came across as "a bit evasive" during this part of questioning but was still largely "likable and charming" and "wasn't very combative" with Heard's attorneys.

Ahouraian said Depp's calm demeanor seemed to break during the final day of cross-examination, Monday, when he seemed "a little bit worn down."

She said you could tell Heard's lawyers were "getting under his skin" because of "the way he's expressing himself and talking back a bit."

But that may have been expected.

"These testimonies are really exhausting, especially on cross-examination when you know someone's out to get you," Ahouraian said. "I think he did well. I think he is still able to connect with the jury, though there are times when frustrations were palpable."

Challenges for Depp going forward

There are a few points from Depp's testimony that may be used against him as his side rests and Heard's legal team starts to present arguments, the experts said.

Weber drew attention to Heard's attorney, J. Benjamin Rottenborn, getting Depp to agree that abuse could be more than just physical and encompass mental and psychological wounds.

"Now, the jury is going to be looking for any instances of alleged abuse" on Depp's part, Weber said, including the audio recordings in which he "called her really derogatory names or screamed at her."

"It's becoming increasingly more difficult to show that there was no abuse. It's becoming increasingly more difficult to show that she lied in that 2018 article," Weber said.

Another issue Depp faces is proving Heard's op-ed is what caused his career to tank. Heard's legal team has already started questioning this argument in court, pointing to the fact that the abuse allegations became public knowledge in 2016 and that news reports indicated Depp's career may have already been suffering for other reasons.

During cross-examination, Heard's lawyers brought up news articles predating the abuse allegations to show there was already speculation in the media that Depp had substance-misuse issues.

"They presented evidence that is indicative of these problems having led to him losing the work that he did," Ahouraian said. "That's going to be really important because if you don't have that causation, you don't have the damages and there isn't really a case."

What to expect when Heard takes the stand

"Just as many eyes" as Depp had on him will be on Heard when she's on the stand, Weber said.

Weber added that Heard would need to focus on coming off as "real and relatable."

He said he'd seen a lot of "skepticism" online about Heard, with many questioning whether she faked her injuries or whether she took advantage of the #MeToo movement.

Weber said he believed she could win people over by drawing attention to how she tried to help Depp end his opioid dependence.

"The thing she should really stress upon is that she was there for Johnny Depp during his darkest moments," Weber said.

Ahouraian also found Heard's efforts to get Depp clean especially poignant, and something that could strike a chord with members of the jury.

"I think she's going to gain some sympathy," Ahouraian said. "If you have anyone on the jury who has dealt with someone close to them who has had problems with addiction, I think they're going to sympathize with her."

