scorecardMom in Ukraine's second-largest city describes 5 days of hiding in 'unlivable' basement of her apartment block as Russian missiles hit
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Mom in Ukraine's second-largest city describes 5 days of hiding in 'unlivable' basement of her apartment block as Russian missiles hit

Sinéad Baker   

Mom in Ukraine's second-largest city describes 5 days of hiding in 'unlivable' basement of her apartment block as Russian missiles hit
LifeInternational3 min read
A composite image showing the aftermath of shelling in Kharkiv's Freedom Square on Tuesday, March 1 2022, and Marina Shut in her basement shelter.    AP Photo/Pavel Dorogoy/Marina Shut/Insider
  • Russia attacked the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv on Tuesday. At least 11 people are reported dead.
  • Marina, 35, told Insider what it was like sheltering in her building's basement and hearing the explosions.

A young mother in Ukraine spoke of her fear while sheltering as Russian missiles hit her city — and how she wishes she could help fight.

Marina, 35, lives a few miles outside of Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city. Russia's attacks there started last week, and intensified on Tuesday as it hit the city with missiles. They hit government offices, an opera house, and a concert hall in the city's Freedom Square, killing at least 11 people, according to local officials.

"This morning was a very tragic one," Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said of the attack on Tuesday.

Marina, a singer, described to Insider what it was like sheltering from Russia's attacks in her building with her mother, her six-year-old son, and some neighbors.

She asked to only be identified by her first name for her safety.

The damaged City Hall building in Kharkiv, Ukraine, Tuesday, March 1, 2022
The damaged City Hall building in Kharkiv on March 1, 2022.      Ukrainian Emergency Service via AP


She lives on the fourth floor of her building, with a basement beneath. They go there when they hear sirens, and come back up "when it's okay," and they can eat and change clothes, she said.

She said they typically move between the basement and her apartment every hour as sirens blast.

She said the basement is "unlivable" — it's where the building's pipes are and where, she said, it's easy to catch a cold.

"I wish we can have something with heating systems, electricity, internet."

"It's scary just sitting there downstairs in the shelter because you're sitting all alone in a closed place under the ground, and you just expect someone to come in."

A boy sleeps on a chair in a basement
Marina Shut's six-year-old son on a chair in her building's basement.      Marina Shut

'I feel so sorry that I can do nothing'

Ukrainian citizens across the country have taken up arms against Russia, including learning how to use weapons for the first time.

Marina told Insider she regrets of not being able to join them as she needs to look after her son.

"I know a lot of guys who are now in the army and I know a lot of volunteers. My friends are also there."

"I feel so sorry that I can do nothing because my son needs me, and he just has me and my mom. That's it. So everything I can do is just sharing as much information as I can."

Marina Shut sits in a basement with her coat on with her six-year-old son
Marina Shut sits in a basement with her coat on with her six-year-old son during Russia's attacks on Kharkiv.      Marina Shut

Marina told Insider was at her boyfriend's house, which is closer to the city center, when blasts began on February 24.

She described waking up at around 5 a.m. to the sound of explosions: "I woke up with a great huge bomb. I thought my ears will start bleeding. The sound was just awful."

She said those noises made her realize "the war started. It's not a joke or a fairy tale — it's our reality."

She said her mother and her son were back at her home, and were not able to answer the calls from her underground shelter.

Those attacks on February 24 lasted two hours, and she was then able to go home to them, she said.

Emergency workers sort through rubble
This handout photo released by Ukrainian Emergency Service shows emergency service personnel inspecting the damage inside the City Hall building in Kharkiv on March 1, 2022.      Ukrainian Emergency Service via AP

But Russia's attack Kharkiv has only intensified since, with Shut saying she had not been outside for five days.

She said her boyfriend can't fight because she's injured, and he can't make the journey to her apartment as he is sheltering with his parents, who are in their 70s.

She showed Insider their messages, where they tell each other that they love each other and where he says his 70-year-old father is "happy."

Zelensky on Tuesday called Russia's missile attacks an "outright, undisguised terror."

Marina expressed anger with Russia for attacking Ukraine, dismissing Russia's claim that it's helping Ukrainian people.

"They say they come to save me, but those liberators just bombed my square," she said.

"My city is so beautiful ... now they are just ruining everything."

