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Cathie Wood's China strategy, plus chart-driven trading tips

Joe Ciolli   

Cathie Wood's China strategy, plus chart-driven trading tips

Hello everyone! Welcome to this weekly roundup of Investing stories from deputy editor Joe Ciolli. Please $4 to get this newsletter in your inbox every week.

Hello and welcome to Insider Investing. I'm Joe Ciolli, and I'm here to guide you through the current market and investing landscape. The newsletter will be taking a week off and returning on August 29. Here's what's on the docket:

  • Ark Invest's Cathie Wood has been selling out of Chinese stocks amid an expanding government crackdown. We compiled her recent comments about $4, and $4.
  • We spoke to technical analysis expert Katie Stockton, who's made a name for herself scouring charts for market signals. She shared the $4, $4, and $4.
  • Jason Shapiro is a contrarian trader whose system doesn't correlate to any other strategy. He broke down for us $4, including $4 he wants to defy.


Have thoughts on the newsletter? Just want to talk markets? Feel free to drop me a line at or on Twitter $4.



Cathie Wood has been selling out of Chinese stocks amid an expanding government crackdown, according to daily stock-holding reports analyzed by Insider. We compiled Wood's recent comments about $4, and $4.

Read the full story here:




Katie Stockton founded Fairlead Strategies and is a technical analysis expert with over 20 years of experience on Wall Street. She shared $4, as well as $4. As a bonus, she explained $4.

Read the full story here:




Jason Shapiro is a contrarian trader whose system doesn't correlate to any other strategy. He broke down for us $4, including $4 he wants to defy. Shapiro also shared $4.

Read the full story here:


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