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CBDCs — The fight for fiat currencies to remain relevant in the age of digital cryptocurrencies

CBDCs — The fight for fiat currencies to remain relevant in the age of digital cryptocurrencies
  • Many countries are looking at launching a central bank digital currency (CBDC) to take advantage of blockchain technology without losing control over the supply of money in their respective economies.
  • Such digital currencies are intended to be stable in value, unlike the inherently volatile Bitcoin.
  • 83 countries are currently in the process of testing CBDCs even though the end goal may vary from geography to geography.
By the $4, many will transact using truly ‘digital rupees’, trade online using Tether and pay for Chinese imports with $4, at least according to $4 lobbying for cryptocurrencies to become mainstream.

Cryptocurrencies aren’t only private virtual assets like Bitcoin, Ether or Solana — any form of digitally transferrable currency secured using cryptography, usually using a blockchain or encrypted ledger that records all transactions made comes under the $4. This includes central bank digital currencies ($4).

Major countries like Sweden, Uruguay, South Korea, China, the US and $4 are already on the bandwagon — each at $4 of launching their own CBDC using $4.

CBDC projects around the world
Status of CBDC

Number of countries

Fully launched


Pilot project














Source: The Atlantic Council

However, not everyone is excited to use a new type of currency. Sceptics $4 of ‘normal’ rupees and dollars, seeing no need to change what works. Many believe co-opting cryptocurrency would damage the economy and $4.

Regardless, CBDCs seem inevitable. As of mid-2021, $4 that represent most of the world economy, had $4 in launching their own CBDC. The countries have different goals, ranging from simply complementing existing national currency to $4, all the way to displacing and $4 the appeal of decentralised cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.

The most significant has been China’s Digital Yuan (e-CNY) – in trials since a year with $4. As of July 2021, the trials included 19 companies, over 20 million wallets/users, and over $4 of transactions.

Nations need to keep up with private cryptocurrencies — or risk missing the bus

Some, like the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) — also called the ‘central bank of central banks’ — believe that countries may be losing the race against private cryptocurrencies. The old guard came out firmly in support of CBDCs last weekend. The head of the BIS, Benoît Coeuré, warned that central banks need to keep up with developments in the private sector such as cryptocurrencies.

$4, he highlighted that $4 have the responsibility to$4 for more than just$4, since digital assets are reorienting the economy.$4

Nations need to address attendant regulatory challenges, stabilise the economy, and bring in control by accountable institutions instead of for-profit entities. Welcoming competition and innovation, he expressed that countries should enable an open and safe platform around which the new payment system can organise.

Stablecoins — The origin story of CBDCs
Governments and global financial institutions, like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund ($4), argue that Bitcoin and its fellow altcoins are $4 in value to be used as a $4. Its supply is limited and it’s traded more like an asset rather than a ‘currency’ — not that it has stopped countries like $4 and Panama to look at it as legal tender.

Like $4 and $4 in preceding centuries, it was clear to $4 that blockchain and crypto were innovations that made people richer. But the big question they faced was how to reconcile a controlled $4 with the disruptive $4 cryptocurrency.

Those aspects of concern were exactly what economists would study with the $4 — a type of cryptocurrency, designed for minimum volatility. It does so by pegging its value to existing instruments like the US dollar. Its control is more centralised, and new coins are issued by the company backing it with its own reserve of the fiat currency.

Conveniently for them, major $4 such as Tether (USDT) and USDCoin (USDC) have $4 of not being fully backed by claimed reserves thus far. For reference, national currencies today are ‘fiat money’ whose $4 simply based on confidence in the country, and have not been linked to gold reserves since decades.

The stablecoin experiment seemed to have answers, and central bankers were watching and taking notes. If the current financial system wanted to hold its own against decentralised cryptocurrencies, a CBDC would be their best chance yet.

CBDCs versus stablecoins — it’s a competition of intensity
On the surface, the differences between a generic stablecoin and a generic CBDC could be a matter of degree.

Stablecoins vs CBDCs — Five major features compared


Generic Stablecoin


Value volatility


None, depends on implementation


To USD/gold, any commodity of choice

To national currency





Private Company / Backer

National Central Bank


Liquidity on crypto exchanges

Full-scale currency transactions

Benefits of CBDCs — making the case for a government-owned cryptocurrency
While some laud the transparency CBDCs could provide, others see it as $4. However, there are other benefits to a country launching its own digital currency. A centrally controlled national currency, which increases liquidity in the financial system could seem attractive, especially since it could fuel faster GDP growth.

To an everyday person, a hypothetical $4 — perhaps e-INR — would not be very different from the normal rupee they use for transactions online. The difference could be lower fixed costs for digital-only bank accounts, $4 financial system,$4, and fewer merchants who accept the e-INR initially — any ecosystem takes time to build.

Keep in mind, an e-INR has no physical form, so it would be entirely accounted-for at $4, and always present in people’s accounts for banks to $4 to others.

The pitfalls of CBDCs
Unplanned spending over the past two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic and global conflicts have amounted to $4 globally, financed by budget deficits. Government budgets and sovereign currencies are already on shaky footing, even before considering the impact of digital currencies.

You may not be looking for a shortcut to earn some quick money but rest assured that $4. In the case of CBDCs, a currency that is entirely digital, circulating between users through a central server would $4 of hacker attacks on a single point.

$4 in such a currency, its policies and its trade patterns may cause a vicious circle of $4. For example, sceptics believe there is a chance that the normal and digital currency variants may eventually be valued differently due to limitations and trade volumes. That could make one e-INR worth less than one standard INR, leading to confusion and price mark-ups that spiral prices upwards continuously.

As with anything $4 that can’t be imagined today may arise at any time, related to the $4. To an average user though, a CBDC is risky only to the extent of $4.

On the whole, a well-implemented CBDC could be an improvement over our current conventional banking system – perhaps even the logical next step for centralised banking as it exists today, but only time will tell.




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