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Iran Has A Lot To Gain From The Death Of A Crusading Argentine Prosecutor

Iran Has A Lot To Gain From The Death Of A Crusading Argentine Prosecutor

Alberto Nisman

Marcos Brindicci/Reuters

Late Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman pauses during a meeting with journalists May 29, 2013.

The sacking of Yemen's capital by $4 hasn't been the week's only positive geopolitical development from Tehran's perspective.

On Jan. 18, Alberto Nisman, the Argentinian prosecutor responsible for investigating the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires - along with a suspected quid pro quo between the two country's governments partly aimed at concealing Iran's involvement in the attack - was found dead in his apartment.

Nisman was $4 the next day and was expected to accuse the government of president Cristina Fernandez Kirchner of swapping increased trade with Iran for a promise not to prosecute the Iranian officials who plotted the attack.

Nisman's assassination is tentatively being considered as a suicide, with the jurist felled by a single bullet wound to the head and clutching the gun that killed him. But there are indications that it may have been something much more sinister.

The $4 suggested the fatal shot was fired at a further distance than Nisman could have managed had the wound been self-inflicted. His $4 was a photo of stacks of documentation related to the next day's testimony and Nisman had apparently given his maid a grocery list for the following week. A $4 was reportedly pulled off of his apartment the night of his assassination. Most damningly, there was no gunpowder residue found on Nisman's hands, physical evidence that he didn't discharge a firearm prior to his death.

Theories abound as to who killed him and why. But no matter who's responsible for Nisman's death, the Iranian regime benefits.

AMIA bombing argentina


Remains of the AMIA after the 1994 AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

After a decade of work, Nisman concluded that Iran's government planned and executed the 1994 carbomb attack on the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA), in which 85 people were killed.

As Washington Institute for Near East Policy scholar $4 in his book $4, Iranian intelligence chief Ali Fallahian "was given overall operational responsibility for the attack," which was approved by Iran's Supreme National Security Council on August 14, 1993.

The act was carried out through a terrorist cell organized by an Iranian-born and Buenos Aires-based Shi'ite cleric named Mohsen Rabbani who had been given a sinecure at the Iranian embassy in Buenos Aires just months before the attack. Phone records connect the embassy to a number in Brazil's border region belonging to a safe-house used by agents from Hezbollah, the Iranian regime's adjunct in Lebanon, responsible for actually executing the attack.

The AMIA bombing was one of the worst anti-Semitic massacres anywhere on earth in decades. But it was part of what was then a consistent policy of big-ticket state-sponsored terrorism for Tehran's revolutionary regime, which had only been in power for 15 years at the time.

Iranian agents $4 on the US Marine Barracks in Beirut, Lebanon in 1983, and on attacks on the US embassy in the city in 1984 and 1984, that killed 394 people total. Hezbollah and a second Shi'ite group $4in 1983 that targeted the US and French embassies and nearly destroyed an oil terminal.


Iranian media

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah (left) with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who took office in 1989, three years before the AMIA bombing.

Tehran $4 4 leading Iranian-Kurdish opposition activists in a Greek restaurant in Berlin in 1992, while pro-Iranian elements $4 to punish France for its support of Saddam Hussein's government during the Iran-Iraq War.

In total, Iranian elements $4 on European soil in the late 1980s and early 90s. And Tehran assisted in the Hezbollah attack on the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires that $4.

In 1997, Mohammad Khatami was elected president. He helped shift the regime's international posture away from the kind of revolutionary confrontation that had dictated the Islamic Republic's foreign affairs up until that point.

Nevertheless, Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guards continued to export terror with high-level regime approval while Khatami (1997 - 2005) helped re-fashion the Islamic Republic's image as a regime whose actions could be considered increasingly within the mainstream of acceptable international behavior, an objective that's been successfully advanced by Hassan Rouhani, the country's current and similarly reform-minded president.

In 2011 Iranian agents were uncovered $4 in 2011. And in 2012 a Hezbollah suicide bombing targeted Israeli tourists in Burgas, Bulgaria, $4. (Hezbollah operatives $4.) Aside from Shi'ite organizations like Hezbollah and Iraq's $4, the State Department's $4 of Iran group as a state sponsor of terrorism notes its support for Al Qaeda elements in Iraq, some of which later formed the Islamic State.

Consequently, the AMIA bombing is a reminder of a period in Iranian history that likely embassies many of the country's current crop of leaders: A time when blatant and essentially unprovoked attacks on civilian targets inside of foreign countries was one of the signal elements of the regime's "revolutionary" foreign policy.


REUTERS/Jamal Saidi

Hezbollah is still a plank of Iran's foreign policy

Twenty years after the AMIA bombing, Iran has successfully shed its pariah status while retaining terrorism as an instrument of policy. Nisman's investigation threatened to upset that balance, partly by exposing how Iran managed this feat in the first place.

His specific allegation that $4 had $4 into the AMIA bombing at Iran's behest only proved how badly political elites in both countries want the truth of the incident to remain buried. And it showed how Iran believed it could edge its way back to respectability while continuing to support and abet terrorism far beyond its borders.

Nisman's testimony would have shown that the AMIA bombing wasn't jut a discrete event, but an ongoing, two decade-long conspiracy that implicated Argentina and Iran in the execution and cover-up of a major act of terrorism.

Nisman's death may end up being part of that very conspiracy. His absence keeps the story buried: It is now even less likely that the attack's Iranian plotters will face justice in Argentina (or countries with extradition treaties with Argentina), and his death shields Argentine leaders who treated the AMIA attack as an dreary diplomatic inconvenience rather than state-sponsored mass murder.

However, Nisman believed the evidence he had collected would outlive him. Four days before his death, he told an Argentine TV interviewer that "With Nisman around or not, the evidence is there," $4.


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