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Jeremy Corbyn is finishing the year with terrible approval ratings

Jeremy Corbyn is finishing the year with terrible approval ratings

Jeremy Corbyn

Photo by Matthew Horwood/Getty Images

It's almost the end of 2015 and Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn is finishing the year with terrible approval ratings in the polls. Here are Corbyn's results from this month in full.

YouGov asked people whether they thought Corbyn was doing well: $4. That gives him a net approval rating of -41%.

Opinium asked people whether they had a favourable view of Corbyn: $4. That gives him a net approval rating of -28%.

ComRes asked people whether they thought Corbyn was a good leader: $4. That gives him a net approval rating of -21%.

Ipsos Mori asked people whether they were satisfied with the way Corbyn was doing his job: $4. That gives him a net approval rating of -17%

Twitter user liamjlhill>$4 has summed up how Prime Minister David Cameron must be feeling this Christmas.



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