Photo by Matthew Horwood/Getty Images
YouGov asked people whether they thought Corbyn was doing well: 24% said he was and 65% said he wasn't. That gives him a net approval rating of -41%.
Opinium asked people whether they had a favourable view of Corbyn: 28% did and 56% didn't. That gives him a net approval rating of -28%.
ComRes asked people whether they thought Corbyn was a good leader: 25% thought he was was and 46% thought he wasn't. That gives him a net approval rating of -21%.
Ipsos Mori asked people whether they were satisfied with the way Corbyn was doing his job: 33% were 50% weren't. That gives him a net approval rating of -17%
Twitter user @liamjlhill has summed up how Prime Minister David Cameron must be feeling this Christmas.
- Mistletoe and Whine (@liamjlhill) December 23, 2015