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Best cities in the world for Travel, Business and Life

The Global View

Best cities in the world for Travel, Business and Life

The Choice of Indians

The Choice of Indians

Indians would love to live in Abu Dhabi, followed by Mumbai, Singapore, Delhi, London, Paris, Sydney, New York, Zurich, and Los Angeles. However, Delhi is ranked in 40th position globally followed by Mumbai in 41st position out of the 60 global cities which was considered for Ipsos Top Cities 2017 study. Amit Adarkar, CEO of Ipsos India says - “Indians love their very own commercial capital Mumbai and center of power Delhi and would love to stay in either of the mega cities of India due to abundant career opportunities; quality of life and entertainment options.”

The Choice of Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millenials and Gen Z

The Choice of Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millenials and Gen Z

Different generations have different views of what makes a top city. Zurich is the favourite city for Baby Boomers (those born 1945-65), whilst the three younger generations – Generation X, Millennials and Generation Z – are consistent in placing New York and Abu Dhabi as their top two. Sydney appears to have more limited appeal to younger people. Whilst it is the second-favourite city for Baby Boomers and third-favourite for Generation X, Millennials (aged 22-37) rank it as their ninth-favourite, whilst Generation Z (aged 21 and under) put it eighth. Other cities that have greater youth appeal include Los Angeles and Tokyo.

Final Results - Best Cities for Business, Next up is Travel

Final Results - Best Cities for Business, Next up is Travel

New York is the most popular city to do business in, with 23% of the global sample selecting it from the list. Abu Dhabi is second with 21%, followed by London and Hong Kong (both on 16%), and Tokyo (15%).

Best Cities for Travel, Next up is Life

Best Cities for Travel, Next up is Life

Paris is seen as the best city to visit; 21% say it is one of the best destinations for tourism. Rome comes second on this measure on 20%, overtaking New York which scored 16% this year.

Best city to live in

Best city to live in

Zurich is the top destination to live in. Selected by 18% of our sample, it is narrowly ahead of Sydney – the city that also came second on this measure in 2013 – on 17%. Abu Dhabi has moved from seventh to third on this measure over the same period.

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