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'Maybe it's time to change the traditional relationship': Hannity advises Trump to ignore press

'Maybe it's time to change the traditional relationship': Hannity advises Trump to ignore press

sean hannity

Fox News

Sean Hannity on Fox News.

Sean Hannity floated a new idea for President-elect Donald Trump: Bar outlets from traditional access to the White House.

During his show on Tuesday, the Fox News host said that social media allows Trump to circumvent the press.

"Maybe it is time to change the traditional relationship the press will have with the White House," Hannity said. "In this day and age of Twitter and Facebook and Instagram, does Trump really need to be granting access to biased journalists that openly oppose him?"

Hannity cited a video Trump released detailing steps Trump plans to take in his first 100 days including a pledge to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and an elimination of certain environmental regulations.

"Trump can do this and speak directly to you, the American people, without having his words twisted and taken out of context. Why not do that?" Hannity asked.

Many media outlets aggressively covered concerns about Hillary Clinton's actions during her tenure as secretary of state, including her use of a private email server and allegations that her foundation was a conduit for donors to attempt to gain access to her at the State Department.

But this reporting wasn't enough for the Fox News host, who alleged a cozy relationship between certain media outlets - who Hannity did not name - and the Clinton campaign.

"Until members of the media come clean about colluding with the Clinton campaign and admit that they knowingly broke every ethical standard that they're supposed to stand and uphold, they should not have the privilege, they should not have the responsibility of covering the president on behalf of you, the American people," Hannity said.

Trump has garnered criticism from many journalists for traveling without the White House press pool, a network of reporters and news outlets that follows the president at all times in order to keep tabs on the president's actions and whereabouts.


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