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Millennials have been called the 'brokest' and the 'richest' generation, and experts say both of those are true

Millennials have been called the 'brokest' and the 'richest' generation, and experts say both of those are true


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Are millennials rich or poor?

  • $4 have been called the "richest" and the "brokest" generation - which is true?
  • A $4 found that while millennial individuals have less money compared to previous generations at their age, millennial households have more money.
  • Economic conditions have put millennials financially behind previous generations at their age, but a $4, $4, and low unemployment rates means they can catch up.

Society finds $4 to be pretty reckless with their money $4 - they take on $4, have a $4, and are $4 left and right because of their lack of financial stability.

But are these financial habits due to economic circumstances handed to them, or financial irresponsibility? It's hard to say when millennials have been labeled both "the brokest generation" and "the richest generation" by media outlets like $4, $4, and the $4.

A $4 published in November 2018 found that millennials' spending habits are similar to earlier generations - except they have much less money than Gen-Xers and baby boomers had at their age.

"Millennials are less well off than members of earlier generations when they were young, with lower earnings, fewer assets, and less wealth," the study said.

According to this analysis, $4, which led Slate to deem them "$4$4."

But in December 2018, the $4 that found millennial households are earning more than previous generations did at their age nearly any time in the past 50 years. This research provided further support for the millennials-are-wealthy narrative, and $4 called them "the richest generation."

So are millennials rich or poor? Turns out, they're both.

millennials millionaires high hopes life planning goals success 2

Emma McIntyre/Getty

Millennials are faring differently compared to previous generations when it comes to finances.

Pew looked at data for a three-person household income, while the Fed looked at data for individuals. Average real labor earnings for male household heads working full time were 18% and 27% higher for Gen Xers and baby boomers, respectively, when they were young compared with millennials, the Fed found. For women, the difference was 12% and 24% higher for Gen Xers and baby boomers, respectively.

But while the Fed found that individual incomes were falling for millennials, it did find that family incomes for married couples (aka, household incomes) grew, similar to Pew's analysis. Individuals are earning less, but households are earning more.

Both studies attributed the higher number of female millennials joining the workforce, compared to previous generations, as a factor behind the increase in household incomes.

That's from the perspective of aggregate incomes - when it comes to how millennials are faring financially, there's more to consider.

Read more: $4

The Great Recession, increased living costs, and student debt have put millennials financially behind

"Millennials are much more complicated from a broad stroke financial picture than will easily fit in one financial box or generalization," $4, a millennial researcher, consultant, and the president of $4, told Business Insider.

"Millennials are a huge generation and range in age from the mid-20s to late-30s," said Dorsey, who finds both "rich" and "poor" labels to be accurate millennial descriptions. "The oldest millennials crashed right into The Great Recession, wage stagnation, and a rising cost of living. Younger millennials still are challenged by student loan debt but overall entered at a better economic time."

Millennials born in the 1980s are at the greatest risk of becoming a $4, according to a $4. As of 2016, people born in this decade had wealth levels 34% below where they would most likely have been if the financial crisis hadn't occurred, the report found.

Because they entered the workforce during the Great Recession, they've been scrambling to catch up ever since and have been the slowest cohort to recover from it.

And while millennials have benefited from a $4, according to research by $4, this increase hasn't kept up with inflating living costs. Costs for childcare, healthcare, and entertainment have risen, and $4, $4, and $4 have all increased faster than incomes in the US, the organization found.

Unhappy Graduate

Julio Cortez/AP

Student debt is at an all-time high - and it's one of the reasons millennials are set back financially.

The latter is a particular problem - college tuition has $4. The national total student debt is $1.5 trillion, $4, and the average student debt per graduate who took out loans is higher than ever, at $17,126, $4.

Read more: $4

Millennials are also spending more of their income than older generations on $4, $4.

This economic situation has led more than half of millennials to $4 to get by, according to the $4.

All of this paints a pretty dismal picture for millennials. But, there's a bright side.

A baby boomer inheritance, low unemployment rates, and good savings habits mean millennials can catch up financially

Because millennials have higher education levels and more time to earn and save, it's possible they'll have steeper income and wealth trajectories than previous generations and meet their financial goals in the end, the $4.

Millennials are also set to receive a wealth inheritance from baby boomers, which could make them richer than previous generations, $4. Paul Donavon, chief global economist of UBS Wealth Management, told Edwards that because the millennial generation is smaller than the baby boomer generation they're inheriting from, wealth will be more concentrated upon transferal.

"From a big-picture viewpoint, millennials will likely receive the greatest wealth transfer in modern history - from the baby boomers," Dorsey said. "However, the reality is that baby boomers are healthier and living longer than even they planned, so that wealth transfer might not happen for 20-plus years."

He added: "Millennials will do better than they are often maligned by the general public, but they also got off to a slower start entering their wealth accumulation phase due to a variety of external events that were often out of their control.

Read more: $4

"However, many Millennials are now older than most people assume, [and] are on the whole the largest generation in the US workforce, and paving a path that increasingly leads to financial self-reliance, even if that path was delayed when compared to previous generations' entry into adulthood," Dorsey said.

millennials friends

Vivien Killilea/Getty Images for Henri Bendel

Despite economic hardships, it's likely that millennials can meet their wealth goals in the end.

While outside conditions have left millennials financially behind, they're working hard to catch up. Economic conditions have made millennials more financially savvy, according to Shannon Insler in an article for $4.

"They are $4," she wrote. "More millennials are $4, $4, and looking for creative ways to earn more money through $4."

Millennials are also saving twice as much as baby boomers, according to a $4, meaning they could be $4.

"We are overall positive on how millennials will fare financially due to baby boomers retiring, potential inheritance, and the very low unemployment rate creating near-term job opportunities," Dorsey said.



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